System Administration Guide: IP Services

How to Display Mobility Routes on a Foreign Agent

  1. Become superuser on the system where you are enabling Mobile IP.

  2. On a command line, type the following command.

    # netstat -rn 

The following example shows the routes for a foreign agent that uses a reverse tunnel.

Routing Table:   IPv4 Source-Specific     
Destination      In If     Source      Gateway Flags  Use  Out If
--------------  ------- ------------ --------- -----  ---- -------      ip.tun1      --  UH      0 hme1
    --          hme1       --      U       0 ip.tun1

The first line indicates that the destination IP address and the incoming interface ip.tun1 select hme1 as the interface that forwards the packets. The next line indicates that any packet originating from interface hme1 and source address must be forwarded to ip.tun1. This is an example of a reverse-tunnel route.