System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

How to Warm-Start rpcbind

If the NFS server cannot be rebooted because of work in progress, you can restart rpcbind without having to restart all of the services that use RPC. Just complete a warm start as described in this procedure.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    For information about roles, see “Using Privileged Applications” in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. Determine the PID for rpcbind.

    Run ps to get the PID, which is the value in the second column.

    # ps -ef |grep rpcbind
        root   115     1  0   May 31 ?        0:14 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
        root 13000  6944  0 11:11:15 pts/3    0:00 grep rpcbind
  3. Send a SIGTERM signal to the rpcbind process.

    In this example, term is the signal that is to be sent and 115 is the PID for the program (see the kill(1) man page). This command causes rpcbind to create a list of the current registered services in /tmp/portmap.file and /tmp/rpcbind.file.

    # kill -s term 115

    Note –

    If you do not kill the rpcbind process with the -s term option, you cannot complete a warm start of rpcbind and must reboot the server to restore service.

  4. Restart rpcbind.

    Warm-restart the command so that the files that were created by the kill command are consulted, and the process resumes without requiring a restart of all of the RPC services. See the rpcbind(1M) man page.

    # /usr/sbin/rpcbind -w