Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide


Usesdtcm_convert to convert Calendar data format, prune a calendar, or check data integrity. Use it to convert version 3 (OpenWindows) calendar data format to version 4 (the extensible calendar data format).

Note –

sdtcm_convert is automatically invoked when performing an OS upgrade to 2.6.

sdtcm_convert must be run by superuser or the owner of the calendar. Superuser can run sdtcm_convert on any calendar; a regular user can only run sdtcm_convert on his or her own calendar. Note that sdtcm_convert can be used only on calendars located on the local host.

The version 3 data format is fixed and limited. In order to take advantage of the new features supported by the calendar API, version 3 calendars should be converted to the version 4 data format.

Options for sdtcm_convert are listed and described below.

Note –

The data version of a calendar is displayed in the About Calendar dialog box of Calendar, accessible from the Help menu.


To convert the calendar user1 to version 4 data format and also prune the calendar:

% sdtcm_convert -v 4 -s 1/1/94 user1

To check data integrity of the calendar user1:

% sdtcm_convert user1

If no option is specified, sdtcm_convert will check the calendar file for data integrity.