Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

Printing Hebrew Text

Hebrew printing is implemented by using a set of filters. The Hebrew locale package SUNWheu should be installed on both the server machine to which the printer is attached and the client machine.

Installed Hebrew Filters

The following list of filters are included in the Hebrew locale package.


This heb2ps filter converts any text to postscript and sends the Hebrew font together with font to printer.


When printing with the hebl2r filter, no reordering is done on input text. Text is formatted to fit an 80 column paper size. This would be useful for printing an English document with a few Hebrew words.


When printing with the hebr21 filter, all text is indiscriminately reversed and the resulting printer output is aligned to the right.


When printing with the hebtxt filter, text is sorted in both Hebrew and English directions and the resulting printer output is aligned to the right

Using the Hebrew Filter From the Command Line

To print from the command line, use the hebtxt filter. The lp printing command is lp -T hebtxt -d printer_name.

Printing from dt Applications

The print action field in the dt configuration files should be modified to add the Hebrew text filter. For example, in the dtmail application, the print action in the file /usr/dt/appconfig/types/he/dtmail.dt should be:

ACTION Print  
LABEL           Print 
TYPE            COMMAND
EXEC_STRING     sh -c ' \                                 
                dtmailpr -p -f %(File)Arg_1% | 
                /usr/lib/lp/postscript/convert_text -inputTextMode 
                -text_mode_implicit -outputTextMode text_mode_visual 
                -lineWidth 80 -inputLayoutDirection left_down
                -outputLayoutDirection right_down| mp -A4 -L he| dtlp 
                -u %(File)Arg_1%;'}

The listed convert_text parameters will print right-aligned text right-to-left. To print text aligned to left, left-to-right replace the previous parameters with -lineWidth 80.