Solaris 9 (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes

Chapter 1 Installation Issues

This chapter describes problems that relate to the installation of the Solaris 9 operating environment.

The following installation bug descriptions have been added to this chapter since this document was published on the Solaris 9 Documentation CD and in the Installation Kiosk on the Solaris 9 Installation CD.

Note -

The Solaris 9 operating environment requires a memory size of 128 Mbytes or greater.

Issue You Need to Know About Before Installing Solaris 9 Software From DVD

Booting From the Solaris 9 DVD

The Solaris 9 operating environment is now available on DVD. To install or upgrade from DVD, insert the Solaris 9 DVD into the DVD-ROM drive and boot the system from the ok prompt with the following command.

ok boot cdrom

Bugs You Need to Know About Before Installing Solaris 9 Software From DVD or CD

Additional Software Might Not Install During Command Line Mode Installation From Solaris 9 Software DVD (4671875)

If you use the Solaris 9 Software DVD to install additional software, the additional software might not be installed. This problem might occur under the following conditions.

If this problem occurs, the following error message displays.

The disc you inserted is not the correct CD/DVD for optional-software-name.
Please try again.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

Boot From Solaris DVD Fails on Systems With Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM (4467424)

If your system has a Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM drive with firmware revision 1007, the system cannot boot from the Solaris 9 DVD.

Workaround: Apply patch 111649-03, or later version, to update the Toshiba SD-M1401 DVD-ROM drive's firmware. Patch 111649-03 is included on the Solaris 9 Supplement CD in the following directory.


See the README file in this directory for instructions on installing the patch. Be sure to read and follow all the cautions and warnings in this README file before you install the patch.

Media With UFS or UDFS File Systems Do Not Mount When Media Is Inserted Multiple Times (4638163)

CD or DVD media that is formatted with UFS or UDFS file systems might not mount on systems with certain media drives under the following conditions.

A mount: I/O error message might display on the system console. The file system on the media is not mounted, and the File Manager graphical user interface for the media is not displayed.

Workaround: In the /etc/rmmount.conf file, add the following line before the line that reads mount * hsfs udfs ufs -o nosuid.

mount cdrom* hsfs udfs ufs -o nosuid ro

Note -

You must enter this line before the line that reads mount * hsfs udfs ufs -o nosuid. After you add this line, the mount section of the /etc/rmmount.conf file should read as follows.

mount cdrom* hsfs udfs ufs -o nosuid ro
mount * hsfs udfs ufs -o nosuid

Cannot Access Data on Solaris 9 DVD in Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7 Operating Environments (4511090)

If your system is running the Solaris 2.6 or Solaris 7 operating environment, Volume Management incorrectly mounts the Solaris 9 DVD. The Solaris 9 DVD can be mounted, but the data is inaccessible. As a result, you cannot set up an install server, perform a Live Upgrade, or access any data on the media.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

Installation Bug

Systems With Multiple Interfaces Recognize All Interfaces as Usable After Installation or Upgrade (4640568)

If you install or upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment on a system with multiple network interfaces, the system recognizes all system interfaces as usable. Interfaces that are not plugged in to the network or that are not intended for use appear in the output of the ifconfig -a command. Additionally, interfaces with identical ethernet addresses might be assigned to identical IP addresses. The following error message is displayed.

ifconfig: setifflags: SIOCSLIFFLAGS: qfe3: Cannot assign requested address

This problem also occurs on systems that have the local-mac-address PROM variable set to false. The problem occurs because all interfaces are configured with the same IP address.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

Solaris Custom JumpStart Bug

Default Solaris JumpStart Profile Might Not Install Multiple Locales on Small Disks (4502007)

If you use the default Solaris JumpStartTM profile on the Solaris 9 media to install multiple locales on a system with a small disk, the installation might fail. This problem might occur under the following conditions.

Installation Bugs That Occur During an Installation From Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD

Warnings Might Occur When a File System Is Created (4189127)

When a file system is created during installation, one of the following warning messages might be displayed.

Warning: inode blocks/cyl group (87) >= data blocks (63) in last
cylinder group. This implies 1008 sector(s) cannot be allocated.

Warning: 1 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated 
The warning occurs when the size of the file system that you created does not equal the space on the disk that is being used. This discrepancy can result in unused space on the disk that is not incorporated into the indicated file system. This unused space is not available for use by other file systems.

Workaround: Ignore the warning message.

Upgrade Issues

Cannot Access Storage Area Networks Through SUNWsan With Solaris 9 Operating Environment

If your Solaris 8 system is connected to storage area networks (SANs), check with your support engineer before you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment. Solaris 8 systems with the SUNWsan package installed might require special procedures to upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment. To find out if the SUNWsan package is installed on the system, type the following command in a terminal window.

# pkginfo SUNWsan

If the SUNWsan package is installed, the following information is displayed.

	system      SUNWsan       SAN Foundation Kit

Solaris Management Console 2.1 Software Is Not Compatible With Solaris Management Console 1.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2 Software

If you want to upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment and you have Solaris Management Console 1.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2 software installed, you must first uninstall the Solaris Management Console software before you upgrade. Solaris Management Console 2.1 software is not compatible with Solaris Management Console 1.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2 software. Solaris Management Console software might exist on your system if you installed the SEAS 2.0 overbox, the SEAS 3.0 overbox, or the Solaris 8 Admin Pack.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

Installation Bugs That Occur During an Upgrade

Upgrading From Solaris 8 Operating Environment Might Create Redundant Kerberos Privacy Mechanisms (4672740)

In the Solaris 9 operating environment, the Kerberos Version 5 global mechanism includes privacy support, and the Kerberos domestic mechanism is not needed. If you installed the Kerberos domestic mechanism (located in /usr/lib/gss/do/ on a Solaris 8 system, it is recommended that you remove the Kerberos domestic mechanism before you upgrade the system to the Solaris 9 operating environment.

Workaround: Follow these steps before you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment.

  1. Type the following command to check to determine if the Kerberos domestic mechanism is installed on the system.

    % pkginfo | fgrep ' SUNWk5'
    • If the output of this command includes any SUNWk5 package names, the Kerberos domestic mechanism is installed on the system. Go to step 2.

    • If the output does not include any SUNWk5 package names, the Kerberos domestic mechanism is not installed on the system. Skip the rest of these steps and upgrade the system.

  2. Back up the /etc/nfssec.conf and /etc/gss/qop files by typing the following command.

    % tar -cf /var/tmp/krb_config_files.tar /etc/nfssec.conf /etc/gss/qop
  3. Verify that the files are backed up by typing the following command.

    % tar -tf /var/tmp/krb_config_files.tar
  4. Remove each package listed in the output of step 1.

    % pkgrm package-name package-name package-name
  5. Upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment.

    The upgrade program updates the global Kerberos mechanism code and enables Kerberos privacy support.

  6. In a text editor, change the following lines in the /etc/gss/mech file.

    • Uncomment the following line.

      kerberos_v5     1.2.840.113554.1.2.2    gl/ gl_kmech_krb5

      If necessary, add the previous line to the /etc/gss/mech file.

    • Remove the following line.

      kerberos_v5     1.2.840.113554.1.2.2    do/ do_kmech_krb5
    • Restore the /etc/nfssec.conf and /etc/gss/qop files by typing the following command.

      % tar -xf /var/tmp/krb_config_files.tar

Upgrading to Solaris 9 Operating Environment Might Disable Existing Secure Shell Daemon (sshd) (4626093)

If you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment on a system that is running a third party Secure Shell (for example, OpenSSH) from the /etc/init.d/sshd daemon, the upgrade disables the existing Secure Shell daemon. During an upgrade, the Solaris 9 upgrade software overwrites the contents of /etc/init.d/sshd.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

Upgrade Fails if /export Is Near Capacity (4409601)

If the /export directory is near full capacity and you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment, the space requirements for /export are miscalculated and the upgrade fails. The problem commonly occurs if a diskless client is installed, or if third-party software is installed in /export. The following message is displayed:

WARNING: Insufficient space for the upgrade.

Workaround: Before you upgrade, choose one of the following workarounds.

Upgrading Diskless Client Servers and Clients (4363078)

If your system currently supports diskless clients that were installed with the AdminSuite 2.3 Diskless Client tool, you must first delete all existing diskless clients that are the same Solaris version and architecture as the server. Then, install or upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment. For specific instructions, see System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

If you attempt to install the Solaris 9 operating environment over existing diskless clients, the following error message might appear:

The Solaris Version (Solaris version-number) on slice <xxxxxxxx> cannot 
be upgraded. 
There is an unknown problem with the software configuration installed 
on this disk.

In this error message, version-number refers to the Solaris version that is currently running on your system. <xxxxxxxx> refers to the slice that is running this version of the Solaris operating environment.

Upgrading the JavaSpaces Data Store to Prevent WBEM Data Loss (4365035)

If you are upgrading from the Solaris 8, Solaris 8 6/00, or Solaris 8 10/00 operating environments to the Solaris 9 operating environment (Solaris WBEM Services 2.5), you must convert any proprietary custom Managed Object Format (MOF) data to the new Reliable Log repository format that is used with Solaris WBEM Services 2.5. Failure to convert the data results in data loss.

See "Upgrading the CIM Object Manager Repository" in Solaris WBEM Services Administration Guide for specific instructions on how to convert your WBEM data.

64-Bit Solaris Issues

Sun UltraSPARC System (sun4u) Might Need Boot Flash PROM Update

Note -

If your system is already running 64-bit ready firmware, then the flash PROM update is not required.

If you want to run the 64-bit Solaris operating environment on an UltraSPARC system, you might need to update its flash PROM firmware. The Solaris 9 installation programs enable you to add 64-bit support. This 64-bit support is selected by default when you install on Sun UltraSPARCTM systems. A 64-bit system only boots in the 64-bit mode by default if it has a CPU speed of 200 MHz or greater.

Note -

If you choose to run the 32-bit Solaris operating environment on any SunTM or UltraSPARC system, the flash PROM update is not needed.

The following table lists the UltraSPARC (sun4uTM) systems that are affected and the minimum firmware versions that are needed. System type is the equivalent of the output of the uname -i command. You can determine which firmware version you are running by using the prtconf -V command.

Table 1-2 Minimum Firmware Versions Required to Run 64-Bit Solaris Operating Environment on UltraSPARC Systems

System Type From uname -i

Minimum Firmware Version From prtconf -V











Note -

If a system is not listed in the previous table, it does not need a flash PROM update.

For instructions on performing the flash PROM update by using the Solaris CD, refer to the Solaris 9 on Sun Hardware Collection. If you do not have this manual, you can obtain it at

Documentation CD Issue

Cannot Install Documentation Packages With Names Longer Than Nine Characters on Documentation Servers Running the Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8 Operating Environments

Some localized documentation collections in PDF format have package names that are longer than nine characters. To install these PDF collections on servers that are running the Solaris 7 or 8 operating environment, you must first install two patches.

Note -

No patches exist at the time of this release for Solaris 2.6 servers.

Workaround: For instructions on how to install these patches, see the Solaris Documentation Important Information file on the documentation media (Solaris 9 Documentation CD 1 of 2, 2 of 2, or DVD.) This file is located in the following directory:


For example, the English file on the Solaris 9 Documentation CD 1 of 2 is located in the following directory:


Documentation CD Installation Bugs

Uninstall Mode of Solaris 9 Documentation CD uninstaller Utility Does Not Work Properly (4675797)

If you run the Solaris 9 Documentation CD uninstaller in Uninstall All mode, the uninstaller only removes those documentation packages that are installed by default.

Workaround: Run the uninstaller in Uninstall Partial mode, and select the specific packages you want to uninstall.

Solaris 9 Installation CD Does Not Prompt For Solaris 9 Documentation 2 of 2 CD in Certain Locales (4668033)

If you use the Solaris 9 Installation CD with certain locales, the installation program does not prompt you to install packages from the Solaris 9 Documentation 2 of 2 CD. This problem occurs for the following locales.

Workaround: To install collections from the Solaris 9 Documentation 2 of 2 CD, run the installer utility directly from the Solaris 9 Documentation 2 of 2 CD.

Solaris 9 Documentation 2 of 2 CD Installs Simplified Chinese Documentation By Default (4673521)

If you install the Solaris 9 Documentation CD 2 of 2 in the zh_HK.BIG5HK or zh_HK.UTF-8 locale, Simplified Chinese Documentation is installed by default.

Workaround: During the Solaris 9 Documentation 2 of 2 CD installation, select Custom Install, and then select the Traditional Chinese documentation you want to install.

Documentation CD Verify Panel Might Not Page in Command Line Interface Mode (4520352)

If you use the Solaris 9 Documentation CD installer program with the -nodisplay option, the verify panel might not page correctly.

Workaround: Do not specify the -nodisplay option with the Solaris 9 Documentation CD installer program. Use the graphical user interface (GUI) mode to install the Solaris 9 Documentation CD.

Localization Issue That Occurs During Installation

Additional Related Locales Might Be Installed

When you select a locale for your installation, additional related locales might also be installed. This change in behavior occurs in the Solaris 9 operating environment because all full locales (with message translations) and the Asian and Japanese partial locales (locale enabler) have been repackaged based on language support for locales. Other partial locales are still packaged and installed based on geographic region, such as Central Europe.

Localization Bugs That Occur During Installation

English and European ISO-15 Locales Might Not Install Correctly (4645678)

If you select an English or European ISO-15 locale to use during an interactive installation from the Solaris 9 Software DVD, the ISO-15 and corresponding ISO-1 locale might not be installed. This problem occurs because the English or European ISO-15 locale you specify in the Select a Locale screen might not be selected automatically on the Select a Geographic Region screen.

Workaround: If you want to install the English or European ISO-15 locale you use during the installation, follow these steps.

  1. In the Select a Locale screen, select the English or European ISO-15 locale to use during the installation.

  2. In the Select a Geographic Region screen, select the appropriate English or European ISO-15 and ISO-1 locale you want to install on the system.

Note -

If you do not check the Select a Geographic Region screen to make sure the appropriate English or European ISO-15 and ISO-1 locale is selected for installation, the locale might not be installed.

Solaris 9 Beta Refresh Chinese CDE Font Packages Do Not Upgrade to Solaris 9 Operating Environment (4653908)

If you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment on a system running the Solaris 9 Beta Refresh operating environment with Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese locale support, the upgrade does not complete successfully. The Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese CDE font localization packages (SUNWcdft or SUNWhdft) do not upgrade to the appropriate Solaris 9 packages. The following error message is displayed.

Removing package SUNWcdft:
  /a/usr/dt/config/xfonts/zh_CN.EUC: does not exist
  /a/usr/dt/config/xfonts/zh_CN.GBK: does not exist
  /a/usr/dt/config/xfonts/zh_CN.UTF-8: does not exist
pkgrm: ERROR: postremove script did not complete successfully

Workaround: Before you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment, remove the appropriate Solaris 9 Beta Refresh postremove files.

# rm /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWcdft/install/postremove
# rm /var/sadm/pkg/SUNWhdft/install/postremove

Upgrading Systems Running Solaris 8 Operating Environment With Full Thai/Russian/Polish/Catalan Support Leaves Invalid Packages on System (4650059)

If you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment on a system running the Solaris 8 operating environment with the Solaris 8 Language Supplement CD installed, several invalid Thai, Russian, Polish, and Catalan locale packages remain on the system. These locale packages have an ARCH=sparcall value, and are not removed during the upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment.

Workaround: Before you upgrade to the Solaris 9 operating environment, use the Solaris Product Registry application to remove the Solaris 8 Languages Supplement CD packages.

Installing Only Some European Locales Causes Characters to Not Display in UTF-8 Locale (4634077)

If you install one or more of a specific set of European locales, the system might not display any characters outside of the English or European character set in the UTF-8 codeset of the locale. This problem occurs under the following conditions.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.