Solaris 9 (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes

Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Bugs

Cannot Select Choose Host From List Option from CDE Login Screen After Selecting Enter Host Name Option (4667119)

If you choose the Remote Login option from the Options button on the CDE login screen, and then select Enter Host Name, the Choose Host From List option does not work for future remote login attempts.

Workaround: Use the Enter Host Name option for all remote login attempts.

CDE Mailer Appears to Hang While Displaying Email With Long Lines (4418793)

If you try to read an email message with many long lines in any of the Solaris 9 Unicode or UTF-8 locales, CDE Mailer (dtmail) appears to hang, and the message does not display immediately.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

PDASync Cannot Delete Last Entry From the Desktop (4260435)

After you delete the last item from the desktop, the item is restored from the handheld device to the desktop when you synchronize your handheld device. Examples of items that you might delete and have restored are the last appointment in your Calendar or the last address in the Address Manager.

Workaround: Manually delete the last entry from the handheld device prior to synchronization.

PDASync Does Not Support Data Exchange With the Multibyte Internationalized PDA Device (4263814)

If you exchange multibyte data between a PDA device and Solaris CDE, the data might be corrupted in both environments.

Workaround: Back up your data on your personal computer with the PDA backup utility before you run the PDASync application. If you accidentally exchange multibyte data and corrupt that data, restore your data from the backup.