Solaris 9 (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes

Documentation Errata

Document Affected: Solaris 9 Package List

The LDAP package SUNWlldap is not included in "Solaris 9 Operating Environment Package List" in Solaris 9 Package List. The SUNWlldap package is included in the Solaris 9 operating environment, and is included in the Core, End User, Developer, Entire, and Entire+OEM metaclusters.

Document Affected: Solaris 9 Installation Guide

In the "System Requirements" and "Solaris suninstall Program" sections of the Solaris 9 Installation Guide, the minimum memory requirements are erroneously listed as 96 Mbytes. The Solaris 9 operating environment requires a memory size of 128 Mbytes or greater.

Document Affected: sysidcfg(4) Man Page and Solaris 9 Installation Guide

The sysidcfg(4) man page and Solaris 9 Installation Guide instruct you to use only an IP address with the default_route option in the sysidcfg file. However, you can also use the NONE keyword with the default_route option.

Document Affected: re-preinstall(1M) Man Page

"Example 1: Installing the JumpStart Software" in the re-preinstall(1M) man page should read as follows.

The following procedure installs the JumpStart software on a system's own default boot disk:

  1. From the ok prompt, boot the system from the Solaris Media (DVD or 1 of 2 CD ) in single user mode:

    ok boot cdrom -s
  2. With the re-preinstall command, install the JumpStart software on the system's default boot disk, which is a slice on the disk (usually slice 0) where the system automatically boots. (The system's default boot disk is probably where the current root (/) file system is located, which can be determined with the format(1M) command.) For example, the following command installs the JumpStart software on the system's default boot disk, c0t3d0s0 on a Solaris 9 system.

    example# /usr/sbin/install.d/re-preinstall c0t3d0s0
    example#  sync ; sync ; sync ; reboot disk:b

Document Affected: Solaris WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

In the Solaris CIM schema, the following classes and properties are tagged with the Deprecated qualifier.

Use suitable alternatives to these deprecated classes and properties. Refer to the class description qualifiers to determine the correct class and property alternatives.

Document Affected: "Writing a Client Program" in Solaris WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

If you create WBEM clients that use the RMI protocol with the API and want to connect to a server that is running the Solaris 8 operating environment, you must include the /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/cimapi.jar file in the client's CLASSPATH. The cimapi.jar file includes the com.sun.wbem classes that are required to communicate with a server that is running the Solaris 8 operating environment.