Solaris 9 (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes

Solaris Volume Manager metadevadm Command Fails If Logical Device Name No Longer Exists (4645721)

You cannot replace a failed drive with a drive that has been configured with the Solaris Volume Manager software. The replacement drive must be new to Solaris Volume Manager software. If you physically move a disk from one slot to another on a Photon, the metadevadm command might fail. This failure occurs when the logical device name for the slice no longer exists, but the device ID for the disk remains present in the metadevice replica. The following message is displayed.

Unnamed device detected. Please run 'devfsadm && metadevadm -r to resolve.

Note -

You can access the disk at the new location during this time, but you might need to use the old logical device name to access the slice.

Workaround: Physically move the drive back to its original slot.