About Solaris 9 Documentation

Documentation Reorganizations

The following documentation has been reorganized in the Solaris 9 release.

Table 2–1 Reorganization List



Installation Documentation 

The Solaris 9 Installation Guide has incorporated several installation books from the Solaris 8 release into one volume. The revised version combines all of the previous Solaris 8 installation guides: Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide, Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide, Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide, and the Solaris 8 Installation Supplement.

The revision also includes the addition of information about new and enhanced Solaris installation technologies. The focus is on task-based procedures. Reference material appears separately in the guide.  

The lists of packages that were previously included in the Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide and the Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide are now in the Solaris 9 Package List.

Solaris 9 Release and Installation Collection 

The Solaris 8 Installation Collection and the Solaris 8 Release Notes Collection have been combined into one collection, the Solaris 9 Release and Installation Collection. 

Reference Manual  

The section of the SunOS Reference Manual that describes the interface that is provided by the Device Driver Interface (DDI) Driver-Kernel Interface (DKI) now contains three books instead of four. These books are as follows:

For more information, see the Solaris 9 Reference Manual Collection.  

System Administration Guides 

Several new guides have been added to the Solaris 9 release. All of the guides focus on task-based procedures and provide general reference material. 

The System Administration Guide, Volume 1 has been renamed to System Administration Guide: Basic Administration. The System Administration Guide, Volume 2 has been renamed to System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration.

The System Administration Guide, Volume 3 has been split into the System Administration Guide: IP Services and the System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services. The resource management material is new in this release. The IP services guide focuses on such technologies as TCP/IP, DHCP, IPv4 and IPv6, Mobile IP, IP Security, and IP Network Multipathing. The resource management and network services guide includes the following topics: resource management, remote file systems, mail, SLP, and PPP.

The System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) and the System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+) are new documents that include information that was previously documented in the Solaris Naming Administration Guide, the LDAP Setup and Configuration Guide, the NIS+ Transition Guide, and the Solaris Naming Setup and Configuration Guide.

The System Administration Guide: Security Services includes information from the SunSHIELD Basic Security Module Guide, as well as sections about RBAC, PAM, Solaris secure shell, and SEAM.