What's New in the Solaris 9 Operating Environment


Feature Description 

Man Pages in AnswerBook2 Format

Man pages are available in AnswerBook2 (SGML), rather than AnswerBookTM format. This feature provides improvements in navigation and links to man pages directly from other AnswerBook2 documents.

Run AnswerBook2 from Documentation CD

With a Documentation CD and root access to the system on which the CD is connected, the AnswerBook2 server can run directly from the CD by using the ab2cd script. You can then view the documentation from the CD.

Use CGI-Based Web Servers

The AnswerBook2 server can run on top of an existing web server, such as Sun WebServerTM, rather than requiring that an additional web server run on the system solely for AnswerBook2 support.

Control Display of Style Sheet Errors

An environment variable, AB2_DEBUG, can be set on the AnswerBook2 server. This variable controls whether style sheet errors are displayed to the user with a red "BUG."