Writing Device Drivers

Copying the Driver to a Module Directory

A device driver's module path (location) depends on the platform it runs on, the architecture it is compiled for, and whether it is needed at boot time. Platform-dependent device drivers reside in the following locations:

Platform-independent drivers reside in either of these directories:

To install a 32–bit driver, the driver and its configuration file must be copied to a drv directory in the module path. For example, to copy a driver to /usr/kernel/drv, type:

$ su
# cp xx /usr/kernel/drv
# cp xx.conf /usr/kernel/drv

To install a 64-bit SPARC driver, copy the driver to a drv/sparcv9 directory in the module path. Copy the driver configuration file to the drv directory in the module path. For example, to copy a driver to /usr/kernel/drv, type:

$ su
# cp xx /usr/kernel/drv/sparcv9# cp xx.conf /usr/kernel/drv

Note –

All driver configuration files (.conf files) must go in the drv directory in the module path. Even on 64–bit systems, the .conf file goes in the drv directory, not the drv/sparcv9 directory.