Solaris 64-bit Developer's Guide

Check Format String Conversion Operation

The format strings for printf(3C), sprintf(3C), scanf(3C), and sscanf(3C) might need to be changed for long or pointer arguments. For pointer arguments, the conversion operation given in the format string should be %p to work in both the 32-bit and 64-bit environments. For example,

char *buf;
struct dev_info *devi;
(void) sprintf(buf, "di%x", (void *)devi);

produces the warning:

warning: function argument (number) type inconsistent with format
  sprintf (arg 3)     void *: (format) int

Use the following code to produce clean results:

char *buf;
struct dev_info *devi;
(void) sprintf(buf, `di%p", (void *)devi);

For long arguments, the long size specification, l, should be prepended to the conversion operation character in the format string. Furthermore, check to be sure that the storage pointed to by buf is large enough to contain 16 digits. For example,

size_t nbytes;
ulong_t align, addr, raddr, alloc;
printf("kalloca:%d%%%d from heap got%x.%x returns%x\n", 
nbytes, align, (int)raddr, (int)(raddr + alloc), (int)addr);

produces the warnings:

warning: cast of 64-bit integer to 32-bit integer
warning: cast of 64-bit integer to 32-bit integer
warning: cast of 64-bit integer to 32-bit integer

The following code will produce clean results:

size_t nbytes;
ulong_t align, addr, raddr, alloc;
printf("kalloca:%lu%%%lu from heap got%lx.%lx returns%lx\n", 
nbytes, align, raddr, raddr + alloc, addr);