Solaris Modular Debugger Guide



Given the address of an mblk_t, iterate over the set of associated message structures by following the b_cont pointer. The b_cont pointer is used to link a given message block to the next associated message block that is the ontinuation of the same message. The message block is described in more detail in msgb(9S)


Given the address of an mblk_t, iterate over the set of associated message structures by following the b_next pointer. The b_next pointer is used to link a given message block to the next associated message block on a given queue. The message block is described in more detail in msgb(9S).


Given the address of a queue_t structure, walk the list of related queues using the q_link pointer. This structure is defined in <sys/stream.h>.


Given the address of a queue_t structure, walk the list of related queues using the q_next pointer. This structure is defined in <sys/stream.h>.


Given the address of an stdata_t structure, walk the list of read-side queue structures.


Given the address of an stdata_t structure, walk the list of write-side queue structures.