STREAMS Programming Guide

M_COPYIN Example

Note –

Please see the copyin section in Writing Device Drivers for information on the 64–bit data structure macros.

Example 8–8 illustrates the processing of a transparent ioctl(2) request only (nontransparent request processing is not shown). In this example, the contents of a user buffer are to be transferred into the kernel as part of an ioctl call of the form

ioctl(fd, SET_ADDR, (caddr_t) &bufadd);

where bufadd is a struct address whose elements are:

struct address {	
     int				ad_len;;		/* buffer length in bytes */
     caddr_t		ad_addr;		/* buffer address */

This requires two pairs of messages (request and response) following receipt of the M_IOCTL message: the first copyin(9F), shown in Example 8–8, copies the structure (address) , and the second copyin(9F), shown in Example 8–9, copies the buffer ( Two states are maintained and processed in this example: GETSTRUCT is for copying the address structure and GETADDR for copying the ad_addr of the structure.

The transparent part of the SET_ADDR M_IOCTL message processing requires that the address structure be copied from user address space. To accomplish this, the M_IOCTL message processing issues an M_COPYIN request to the stream head.

Example 8–8 M_COPYIN: Copy the address Structure

	struct address {		/* same members as in user space */
		int		ad_len;	/* length in bytes */
		caddr_t	ad_addr;	/* buffer address */

	/* state values (overloaded in private field) */
	#define GETSTRUCT		0		/* address structure */
	#define GETADDR		1		/* byte string from ad_addr */

	static void xxioc(queue_t *q, mblk_t *mp);

	static int
	xxwput(q, mp)
		queue_t *q;		/* write queue */
		mblk_t *mp;
		struct iocblk *iocbp;
		struct copyreq *cqp;

		switch (mp->b_datap->db_type) {
			case M_IOCTL:
				/* Process ioctl commands */
				iocbp = (struct iocblk *)mp->b_rptr;
				switch (iocbp->ioc_cmd) {
					case SET_ADDR;
						if (iocbp->ioc_count != TRANSPARENT) {
						  /* do non-transparent processing here
						   *       (not shown here) */
						} else {
						 /* ioctl command is transparent 
						  * Reuse M_IOCTL block for first M_COPYIN 
						  * request of address structure */
						 cqp = (struct copyreq *)mp->b_rptr;
						 /* Get user space structure address from linked 
						  * M_DATA block */
						 cqp->cq_addr = *(caddr_t *) mp->b_cont->b_rptr;
						 cqp->cq_size = sizeof(struct address);
						 /* MUST free linked blks */
						 mp->b_cont = NULL;

						 /* identify response */
						 cqp->cq_private = (mblk_t *)GETSTRUCT;

						 /* Finish describing M_COPYIN message */
						 cqp->cq_flag = 0;
						 mp->b_datap->db_type = M_COPYIN;
						 mp->b_wptr = mp->b_rptr + sizeof(struct copyreq);
						 qreply(q, mp);
					default: /* M_IOCTL not for us */
					  /* if module, pass on */
					  /* if driver, nak ioctl */
				} /* switch (iocbp->ioc_cmd) */
			case M_IOCDATA:
				/* all M_IOCDATA processing done here */
				xxioc(q, mp);
		return (0);

xxwput() verifies that the SET_ADDR is TRANSPARENT to avoid confusion with an I_STR ioctl(2), which uses a value of ioc_cmd equivalent to the command argument of a transparent ioctl(2).

The if else statement checks whether the size count is equal to TRANSPARENT. If it is equal, the message was not generated from an I_STR ioctl(2) and the else clause of the if else executes.

	if (iocbp->ioc_count != TRANSPARENT) {
			/* do non-transparent processing here (not shown here) */
	} else {

The mblk is reused and mapped into a copyreq(9S) structure. The user space address of bufadd is contained in the b_cont of the M_IOCTL mblk. This address and its size are copied into the copyreq(9S) message. The b_cont of the copy request mblk is not needed, so it is freed and then filled with NULL.

	cqp = (struct copyreq *)mp->b_rptr;
			/* Get user space structure address from linked M_DATA block */
			cqp->cq_addr = *(caddr_t *) mp->b_cont->b_rptr;
			cqp->cq_size = sizeof(struct address);
			/* MUST free linked blks */
			mp->b_cont = NULL;

Caution – Caution –

The layout of the iocblk, copyreq, and copyresp structures is different between 32–bit and 64–bit kernels. Be careful not to overload any data structure in the cp_private or the cq_filler fields because alignment has changed.

Example 8–9 M_COPYIN: Copy the Buffer Address

	xxioc(queue_t *q, mblk_t *mp)			/* M_IOCDATA processing */
		struct iocblk *iocbp;
		struct copyreq *cqp;
		struct copyresp *csp;
		struct address *ap;

		csp = (struct copyresp *)mp->b_rptr;
		iocbp = (struct iocblk *)mp->b_rptr;

		/* validate this M_IOCDATA is for this module */
		switch (csp->cp_cmd) {
			case SET_ADDR:
				if (csp->cp_rval){ /* GETSTRUCT or GETADDR fail */
				switch ((int)csp->cp_private){ /* determine state */
					case GETSTRUCT:		/* user structure has arrived */
					  /* reuse M_IOCDATA block */
					  mp->b_datap->db_type = M_COPYIN;
					  mp->b_wptr = mp->b_rptr + sizeof (struct copyreq);
					  cqp = (struct copyreq *)mp->b_rptr;
					  /* user structure */
					  ap = (struct address *)mp->b_cont->b_rptr;
					  /* buffer length */
					  cqp->cq_size = ap->ad_len;
					  /* user space buffer address */
					  cqp->cq_addr = ap->ad_addr;
					  mp->b_cont = NULL;
					  cqp->cq_flag = 0;
					  cqp->cp_private=(mblk_t *)GETADDR;  /*nxt st*/
					  qreply(q, mp);

					case GETADDR:				/* user address is here */
					  /* hypothetical routine */
					  if (xx_set_addr(mp->b_cont) == FAILURE) {
						  mp->b_datap->db_type = M_IOCNAK;
						  iocbp->ioc_error = EIO;
					  } else {
						  /* can have been overwritten */
						  iocbp->ioc_error = 0;
						  iocbp->ioc_count = 0;
						  iocbp->ioc_rval = 0;
					  mp->b_wptr=mp->b_rptr + sizeof (struct ioclk);
					  mp->b_cont = NULL;
					  qreply(q, mp);

					default: /* invalid state: can't happen */
					  mp->b_cont = NULL;
					  mp->b_datap->db_type = M_IOCNAK;
					  mp->b_wptr = mp->rptr + sizeof(struct iocblk);
					  /* can have been overwritten */
					  iocbp->ioc_error = EINVAL;
					  qreply(q, mp);
				break;						/* switch (cp_private) */

			default: /* M_IOCDATA not for us */
				/* if module, pass message on */
				/* if driver, free message */

On receipt of the M_IOCDATA message for the SET_ADDR command, xxioc() checks cp_rval. If an error occurred during the copyin operation, cp_rval is set. The mblk is freed and, if necessary, xxioc() cleans up from previous M_IOCTL requests, freeing memory, resetting state variables, and so on. The stream head returns the appropriate error to the user.

              if (csp->cp_rval){ /* GETSTRUCT or GETADDR fail */

If no error occurred during the copyin operation, the switch statement determines whether to process the user structure, GETSTRUCT, or user address, GETADDR.

             switch ((int)csp->cp_private){  /*determine state*/

The cp_private field set to GETSTRUCT indicates that the linked b_cont mblk contains a copy of the user's address structure. The example then copies the actual address specified in address.ad_addr. The program issues another M_COPYIN request to the stream head, but this time cq_private contains GETADDR to indicate that the M_IOCDATA response will contain a copy of address.ad_addr. The stream head copies the information at the requested user address and sends it downstream in another, final M_IOCDATA message.

				  case GETSTRUCT:		/* user structure has arrived */
					  /* reuse M_IOCDATA block */
					  mp->b_datap->db_type = M_COPYIN;
					  mp->b_wptr = mp->b_rptr + sizeof (struct copyreq);
					  cqp = (struct copyreq *)mp->b_rptr;
					  /* user structure */
					  ap = (struct address *)mp->b_cont->b_rptr;
					  /* buffer length */
					  cqp->cq_size = ap->ad_len;
					  /* user space buffer address */
					  cqp->cq_addr = ap->ad_addr;
					  mp->b_cont = NULL;
					  cqp->cq_flag = 0;
					  cqp->cp_private=(mblk_t *)GETADDR;  /*nxt st*/
					  qreply(q, mp);

The final M_IOCDATA message arrives from the stream head. cp_private contains GETADDR. The ad_addr data is contained in the b_cont link of the mblk. If the address is successfully processed by xx_set_addr() (not shown here), the message is acknowledged with an M_IOCACK message. If xx_set_addr() fails, the message is rejected with an M_IOCNAK message]. xx_set_addr() processes the user address from the ioctl(2).

After the final M_IOCDATA message is processed, the module acknowledges the ioctl(2) to let the stream head know that processing is complete. This is done by sending an M_IOCACK message upstream if the request was successfully processed. Always set ioc_error to zero, otherwise an error code could be passed to the user application. Set ioc_rval and ioc_count to zero to reflect that a return value of 0 and no data is to be passed upstream. If the request cannot be processed, either an M_IOCNAK or M_IOCACK can be sent upstream with an appropriate error number. When sending an M_IOCNAK or M_IOCACK, freeing the linked M_DATA block is not mandatory. It is more efficient to use the stream head handle to free the linked M_DATA block.

If ioc_error is set in an M_IOCNAK or M_IOCNACK message, this error code will be returned to the user. If no error code is set in an M_IOCNAK message, EINVAL will be returned to the user.

                case GETADDR:			/* user address is here */
						/* hypothetical routine */
						if (xx_set_addr(mp->b_cont) == FAILURE) {
							mp->b_datap->db_type = M_IOCNAK;
							iocbp->ioc_error = EIO;
						} else {
							/* can have been overwritten */
							iocbp->ioc_error = 0;
							iocbp->ioc_count = 0;
							iocbp->ioc_rval = 0;
						mp->b_wptr=mp->b_rptr + sizeof (struct ioclk);
						mp->b_cont = NULL;
						qreply(q, mp);