Solaris WBEM Services Administration Guide

About the CIM Object Manager

The CIM Object Manager manages CIM objects on a WBEM-enabled system. A CIM object is a representation, or model, of a managed resource, such as a printer, disk drive, or CPU. CIM objects are stored internally as Java classes.

When a WBEM client application accesses information about a CIM object, the CIM Object Manager contacts either the appropriate provider for that object or the CIM Object Manager Repository. Providers are classes that communicate with managed objects to access data. When a WBEM client application requests data from a managed resource that is not available from the CIM Object Manager Repository, the CIM Object Manager forwards the request to the provider for that managed resource. The provider dynamically retrieves the information.

At startup, the CIM Object Manager performs the following functions:

The CIM Object Manager:

A WBEM client application contacts the CIM Object Manager to establish a connection when it needs to perform WBEM operations, such as creating a CIM class or updating a CIM instance. When a WBEM client application connects to the CIM Object Manager, the WBEM client gets a reference to the CIM Object Manager, which it then uses to request services and operations.