Solaris WBEM SDK Developer's Guide

Running CIM Workshop

By default, CIM Workshop connects to a CIM Object Manager running on the local host in the root/cimv2 default namespace using the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol. You can also point to a remote host that is running the CIM Object Manager.

To Start CIM WorkShop
  1. At the system prompt, type:

    % /usr/sadm/bin/cimworkshop

    The CIM Workshop Login dialog box displays.

  2. Follow the instructions in the context-sensitive help to fill in the fields in the Login dialog box. Then click OK.

    The CIM Workshop main window displays.

To Exit CIM WorkShop
  1. From the CIM Workshop main window, select Workshop->Exit.

    CIM Workshop exits.

About the Main Window

The CIM Workshop main window is divided into three panes: