The priority_paging and cachefree tunable parameters are not supported in the Solaris 9 release. They have been replaced with an enhanced file system caching architecture that implements paging policies similar to priority paging, but are always enabled. Attempts to set these parameters in the /etc/system file result in boot-time warnings such as:
sorry, variable 'priority_paging' is not defined in the 'kernel' sorry, variable 'cachefree' is not defined in the 'kernel' |
The SUNWcsr packages that contain the /etc/system file have been modified so that the inclusion of the priority_paging or cachefree tunable parameters are prohibited. If you upgrade to the Solaris 9 release or pkgadd the SUNWcsr packages and your /etc/system file includes the priority_paging or cachefree parameters, the following occurs:
This message is displayed if the priority_paging or cachefree parameters are set in the /etc/system file:
/etc/system has been modified since it contains references to priority paging tunables. Please review the changed file.
Comments are inserted in the /etc/system file before any line that sets priority_paging or cachefree. For example, if priority_paging is set to 1, this line is replaced with the following lines:
* NOTE: As of Solaris 9, priority paging is unnecessary and has been removed. * Since references to priority paging-related tunables will now result in * boot-time warnings, the assignment below has been commented out. For more * details, see the Solaris 9 Release Notes, or the "Solaris Tunable Parameters * Reference Manual". |
The following parameters are now obsolete.