Solaris Smartcard Administration Guide

Chapter 1 Solaris Smartcard Overview

This chapter provides an overview of Solaris Smartcard features, supported smart cards and card readers, and planning information:

Smartcard Features

A Solaris Smartcard provides a somewhat more secure method for logging in to the Solaris desktop environment than is provided by the standard UNIX login. Information stored on the smart card verifies the identity of the user during login. A user who cannot provide the login information that is on the smart card is denied access to the desktop. The Solaris Smartcard software:

Smartcard Requirements

To use the Solaris Smartcard software, you need:

Solaris Smartcard supports the following smart cards and card readers.

Smartcard Login

Secure desktop environments can be protected by requiring users to log in with a configured Solaris Smartcard. The following sequence explains what happens in the login process:

  1. The dtlogin daemon prompts the user to insert a smart card and then to enter a personal identification number (PIN).

  2. The pam_smartcard module compares the entered PIN with the PIN stored on the card.

  3. If the typed PIN and PIN stored on the card match, the username and password are read from the card and used to authenticate the user, based on the specified search order for passwd in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

Package Descriptions

The following table lists the Solaris Smartcard packages added during a Solaris 9 installation.

Table 1–1 Solaris Smartcard Packages

Package Name 



Java Communications API for smart card support - Java code and Native code 


Java Communications API for smart card support - Native code (64–bit) 


Dallas Semiconductor serial iButton OCF Card Terminal Driver  


Open Card Framework - core libraries and utilities  


Open Card Framework - configuration files 


Open Card Framework - header files 


Open Card Framework - core libraries (64–bit) 


Pluggable Authentication Module for smart card authentication 


Pluggable Authentication Module for smart card authentication (64–bit) 


Solaris Smartcard Console 


Smart OS used by SCM card terminal driver 


Sun SCRI OCF Card Terminal Driver 

To remove a package, use the standard pkgrm command. Reinstall the package using the pkgadd command.

See “Managing Software (Tasks)” in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration for information on using these commands.

Smartcard Man Pages

Refer to the following man pages for detailed information about Smartcard commands: