Solaris Smartcard Administration Guide

Initializing a Smart Card

After the default applet (SolarisAuthApplet) has been loaded, create the user profile information on the card. The user profile information specifies a login name and password for the card user, and names the protected application. The default PIN for the SolarisAuthApplet is $$$$java.

To Create User Information on a Smart Card

Example—Creating User Information on a Smart Card (Command Line)

This command is appropriate for all smart cards devices supported by Solaris Smartcard. Insert the card in the card reader. For Smartcard Console instructions, see To Set Up a User Profile and To Change the PIN on a Card.

Set the login name, password, and application for the card by typing the following on one line:

# smartcard -c init -A A000000062030400 -P '$$$$java' user=anyone 
password=changeme application=dtlogin

In the example, the username is set to anyone, the password to changeme, and the application is dtlogin. The username and password can be set to any value; these will be changed by a system administrator or the user when the card is issued. See To Set Up a User Profile for instructions.

Note –

You must enter the loaded applet ID and the current PIN. The -A A000000062030400 part of the command specifies the SolarisAuthApplet applet ID. You must enclose the default PIN, $$$$java, or any PIN containing shell special-characters (such as $) within single quotes. Otherwise, the shell tries to interpret the PIN as a variable, and the command fails.