Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide

The Purpose of Application Registration

A registered desktop application has certain configuration files used by the desktop to provide the application's user interface:

In order for these files to be recognized and used by the desktop, they must be in certain directories specified by the desktop's search paths.

It can be difficult to administer an application when its configuration files are scattered among numerous directories. Therefore, the desktop allows an application to keep all its desktop configuration files gathered under a single directory. This grouping of files is called a registration package.

If the application is desktop smart, it supplies a registration package as part of its installation package. If you are a system administrator creating the configuration files yourself, you can create the registration package yourself.

The configuration files in the registration package are not available to the desktop because they are not located in the proper search path directories. The process of placing these files in the proper locations is called registering, or integrating, the application.

The desktop provides a tool, dtappintegrate, that performs the registration by creating symbolically linked representations of the files in the proper search path directories.

Many desktop-smart applications will automatically run dtappintegrate during the installation process. If you are a system administrator integrating an existing application, you can run it yourself after you've created the registration package.

Once an application is registered on a system's desktop, the application is available to all users on the system. If the system is configured as a desktop application server, the application will also be available to other systems throughout the network.

The dtappintegrate tool has a command-line option that reverses the process by breaking the links. This makes it easy to remove the application from the Application Manager so that it can be moved to a different application server or updated.