Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


The following example demonstrates one way to associate IDs with entry points. A HelpEntryIds.h file is used to define a unique integer for each clientData value for each help callback. Also defined are two ID strings for each widget: one for normal F1 help, the other for item help mode (where the user picks a widget to get a description).

For this example, assume that the application's user interface is just a main window with three input fields: Name, Address, and Telephone Number. Here's what the HelpEntryIds.h file would contain:

#define HELP_volumeName            "MyVolume"
 #define HELP_MainWindow            100
 #define HELP_MainWindow_ID         "basic-tasks"
 #define HELP_MainWindow_ITEM_ID    "main-window-desc" 
 #define HELP_NameField             101
 #define HELP_NameField_ID          "specifying-a-name"
 #define HELP_NameField_ITEM_ID     "name-field-desc" 
 #define HELP_AddressField          102
 #define HELP_AddressField_ID       "specifying-an-address"
 #define HELP_AddressField_ITEM_ID  "address-field-desc" 
 #define HELP_PhoneField            103
 #define HELP_PhoneField_ID         "specifying-a-phone-no"
 #define HELP_PhoneField_ITEM_ID    "phone-field-desc"

Within the part of the application that initially creates the widgets, a help callback is added to each widget as follows:

XtAddCallback (mainWindow, DtNhelpCallback,
               HelpRequestCB, HELP_MainWindow);
 XtAddCallback (nameField, DtNhelpCallback,
                HelpRequestCB, HELP_NameField);
 XtAddCallback (addressField, DtNhelpCallback,
                HelpRequestCB, HELP_AddressField);
 XtAddCallback (phoneField, DtNhelpCallback,
                HelpRequestCB, HELP_PhoneField);

Within the HelpRequestCB() function, the clientData parameter is used to dispatch the help requests (through a switch() statement). Within each case, the value of a global flag itemHelp is tested to see if the help callback was invoked by the F1 key (the flag is "false") or by the user picking the widget in item help mode (the flag is "true").

XtCallbackProc HelpRequestCB (
       Widget     w,
       XtPointer  clientData,
       XtPointer  callData )
    char    *topicToDisplay;
    Boolean  useQuickHelpDialog;
    /* Determine the topic ID for the given ` clientData.' */
    switch ((int)clientData)
        case HELP_MainWindow:
          useQuickHelpDialog = False;
          if (itemHelpFlag)
            topicToDisplay = HELP_MainWindow_ITEM_ID;
            topicToDisplay = HELP_MainWindow_ID;
          break;       case HELP_NameField:
          useQuickHelpDialog = True;
          if (itemHelpFlag)
            topicToDisplay = HELP_NameField_ITEM_ID;
            topicToDisplay = HELP_NameField_ID;
          break;       case HELP_AddressField:
          useQuickHelpDialog = True;
          if (itemHelpFlag)
            topicToDisplay = HELP_AddressField_ITEM_ID;
            topicToDisplay = HELP_AddressField_ID;
          break;       case HELP_PhoneField:
          useQuickHelpDialog = True;
          if (itemHelpFlag)
            topicToDisplay = HELP_PhoneField_ITEM_ID;
            topicToDisplay = HELP_PhoneField_ID;
          break;       default:
          /* An unknown clientData was received. */
          /* Put your error handling code here. */
    /* Display the topic. */
    ac = 0;
    XtSetArg (al[ac], DtNhelpType,   DtHELP_TYPE_TOPIC); ac++;
    XtSetArg (al[ac], DtNhelpVolume, HELP_volumeName);    ac++;
    XtSetArg (al[ac], DtNhelpType,   topicToDisplay);     ac++;
    if (useQuickHelpDialog)
         XtSetValues (mainQuickHelpDialog, al, ac);
         XtManageChild (mainQuickHelpDialog);
         XtSetValues (mainHelpDialog, al, ac);
         XtManageChild (mainHelpDialog);
    /* Clear the ` item help' flag. */
    itemHelpFlag = False;

The preceding function assumes that the application uses two help dialogs for all help requests (mainHelpDialog and mainQuickHelpDialog), and that those dialogs have already been created. It also assumes that al and ac (used in assembling Xt argument lists) are declared elsewhere.