Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


As-is image: Shows text with the same line breaks as the source text.


<image [indent][id=id][gentity=graphic-ent 
[gposition=pos] [ghyperlink=gid [glinktype=type]]]>



Optional. Specifies that the paragraph be indented 6 spaces from the current left margin.


Optional. Defines an ID name that can be used in cross-references to this location.


Optional. The name of a graphic entity around which the text is to be wrapped. The gentity parameter and graphic-ent value are required if the gposition, ghyperlink, or glinktype parameter is used.


Optional. Either left or right to indicate whether the optional graphic is to be left-justified or right-justified.


Optional. Specifies that the graphic be a hyperlink and specifies the destination of the hyperlink. The ghyperlink parameter and gid value are required if the glinktype parameter is used. Follows the same usage as the hyperlink attribute in the <link> element. (The id value, not the gid value, would be used to reference the location of the image text.)


Optional. Specifies the type of hyperlink. The default type is Jump. Other type values include JumpNewView, Definition, Man, Execute, and AppDefined. Follows the same usage as the type attribute in the <link> element.


The text of the paragraph that wraps around the graphic.

Text between the <image> and <\image> tags is shown with the same spacing, indentation, and line breaks that appear in the actual text. No justification, word wrapping, or removal of empty lines is done. However, a proportional font is used, so columns of text that are lined up on a computer screen may not line up in the displayed help information. If the displayed text is too wide to fit within the display area, a horizontal scroll bar automatically appears.

All inline text elements and special characters are recognized.

An optional <head> can be used with <image>. If you intend to create a cross-reference to the element using <xref>, the <head> tag is required.

The indent parameter causes the displayed text to be indented from the left margin.

Either the start and end tags (<image> and <\image>) or the short form (<image|...|) can be used.

See Also