Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


Line number: Provides a cross-reference to a specified line in an example.


<ex number>
 example text <lineno id=name>

This element is used only in a numbered example. Enter the <lineno> tag at the end of the line you want to refer to. The id parameter assigns an ID that can be used to create a cross-reference to the line number.


This markup creates a numbered example that includes a cross-reference to the third line.

<ex number>
 Enter Daily Account Total
 Run Invoice Summary Report
 Go to Monthly Ledger <lineno id=ledger>
 Run Daily Update
 To run closing reports, return to <xref ledger> and run the Past 
 Due Accounts Report.

The line number where the ID is located is substituted for the <xref ledger> cross-reference. It produces this sentence:

To run closing reports, return to 3 and run the Past Due Accounts Report.

The end tag is not required for <lineno>.

See Also