Solaris Advanced User's Guide Script

! Data for xmodmap to reset the left and right function keys
! after being set for left-handed use on the Sun type-4 keyboard. 
! To use this data, type the following where <filename> is the name 
! of the file.
! xmodmap <filename>
! Reassign standard values to left function keys.
keycode 10 = L2 L2 SunAgain
keycode 32 = L3 L3 SunProps
keycode 33 = L4 L4 SunUndo
keycode 56 = L5 L5 SunFront
keycode 58 = L6 L6 SunCopy
keycode 79 = L7 L7 SunOpen
keycode 80 = L8 L8 SunPaste
keycode 102 = L9 L9 SunFind
keycode 104 = L10 L10 SunCut
! Reassign standard values to right function keys.
keycode 28 = R1 R1 Pause
keycode 29 = R2 R2 Print
keycode 30 = R3 R3 Scroll_Lock Break
keycode 52 = R4 R4 KP_Equal
keycode 53 = R5 R5 KP_Divide
keycode 54 = R6 R6 KP_Multiply
keycode 75 = R7 R7 KP_7 Home
keycode 77 = R9 R9 KP_9 Prior
keycode 98 = Left R10 KP_4
keycode 100 = Right R12 KP_6
keycode 119 = R13 R13 KP_1 End
keycode 121 = R15 R15 KP_3 Next
! Reassign the Linefeed key as such and remove from control map.
remove control = Control_R
keycode 118 = Linefeed