Java 2 SDK for Solaris Developer's Guide

Class Invariants

As noted above, assertions are appropriate for checking internal invariants. The assertion mechanism itself does not enforce any particular style for doing so. It is sometimes convenient to combine many expressions that check required constraints into a single internal method that can then be invoked by assertions. For example, suppose one were to implement a balanced tree data structure of some sort. It might be appropriate to implement a private method that checked that the tree was indeed balanced as per the dictates of the data structure:

 // Returns true if this tree is properly balanced
    private boolean balanced() {

This method is a class invariant. It should always be true before and after any method completes. To check that this is indeed the case, each public method and constructor should contain the line:

assert balanced();

immediately prior to each return. It is generally overkill to place similar checks at the head of each public method unless the data structure is implemented by native methods. In this case, it is possible that a memory corruption bug could corrupt a "native peer" data structure in between method invocations. A failure of the assertion at the head of such a method would indicate that such memory corruption had occurred. Similarly, it may be advisable to include class invariant checks at the head of methods in classes whose state is modifiable by other classes. (Better yet, design classes so that their state is not directly visible by other classes!)