man pages section 1: User Commands
  • R
    • ranlib(1)- convert archives to random libraries
    • rcp(1)- remote file copy
    • rdist(1)- remote file distribution program
    • read(1)- read a line from standard input
    • readfile(1F)- reads file, gets longest line
    • readonly(1)- shell built-in function to protect the value of the given variable from reassignment
    • red(1)- text editor
    • refer(1)- expand and insert references from a bibliographic database
    • regcmp(1)- regular expression compile
    • regex(1F)- match patterns against a string
    • rehash(1)- evaluate the internal hash table of the contents of directories
    • reinit(1F)- runs an initialization file
    • remote_shell(1)- remote shell
    • remsh(1)- remote shell
    • renice(1)- alter priority of running processes
    • repeat(1)- shell command interpreter built-in commands
    • reset(1B)- establish or restore terminal characteristics
    • reset(1F)- reset the current form field to its default values
    • return(1)- shell built-in functions to enable the execution of the shell to advance beyond its sequence of steps
    • rksh(1)- KornShell, a standard/restricted command and programming language
    • rlogin(1)- remote login
    • rm(1)- remove directory entries
    • rmail(1)- read mail or send mail to users
    • rmdel(1)- remove a delta from an SCCS file
    • rmdir(1)- remove directory entries
    • rmformat(1)- removable rewritable media format utility
    • roffbib(1)- format and print a bibliographic database
    • roles(1)- print roles granted to a user
    • rpcgen(1)- an RPC protocol compiler
    • rpm2cpio(1)- convert Red Hat Package (RPM) to cpio archive
    • rsh(1)- remote shell
    • run(1F)- run an executable
    • runat(1)- execute command in extended attribute name space
    • rup(1)- show host status of remote machines (RPC version)
    • rup(1C)- show host status of remote machines (RPC version)
    • ruptime(1)- show host status of local machines
    • rusage(1B)- print resource usage for a command
    • rusers(1)- who is logged in on remote machines
    • rwho(1)- who is logged in on local machines