man pages section 1: User Commands
 pack -- compress files ( Index Term Link )
 page -- page through a text file ( Index Term Link )
 pagesize -- display size or sizes of a page of memory ( Index Term Link )
 pargs -- print process arguments, environment variables, or auxiliary vector ( Index Term Link )
 Pascal, create a tags file for use with ex and vi -- ctags ( Index Term Link )
 passwd -- change login password and password attributes ( Index Term Link )
 password, change in NIS -- yppasswd ( Index Term Link )
 password file, edit -- vipw ( Index Term Link )
 passwords, change login password and password attributes -- passwd ( Index Term Link )
 paste -- merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of one file ( Index Term Link )
 patch -- apply changes to files ( Index Term Link )
  File Name Determination ( Index Term Link )
  Patch Application ( Index Term Link )
  Patch File Format ( Index Term Link )
 PATH variable -- sh ( Index Term Link )
 pathchk -- check path names ( Index Term Link )
 pathconv -- search FMLI criteria for filename ( Index Term Link )
  prompts for a pathname -- ckpath ( Index Term Link )
  provides error message for pathname -- errpath ( Index Term Link )
  provides help message for pathname -- helppath ( Index Term Link )
  validates pathname -- valpath ( Index Term Link )
 pattern scanning and processing language -- nawk ( Index Term Link )
 pax -- portable archive interchange ( Index Term Link )
  Modes of Operations ( Index Term Link )
  Standard Error ( Index Term Link )
  Standard Output ( Index Term Link )
 pcat -- compress files ( Index Term Link )
 pcred -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 pdp11 -- get processor type truth value ( Index Term Link )
 performance monitoring
  display call-graph profile data -- gprof ( Index Term Link )
  resource usage for a command -- rusage ( Index Term Link )
  time a command; report process data and system activity -- timex ( Index Term Link )
 perl -- Practical Extraction and Report Language ( Index Term Link )
 pfcsh -- execute a command in a profile ( Index Term Link )
 pfexec -- execute a command in a profile ( Index Term Link )
 pfiles -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 pfksh -- execute a command in a profile ( Index Term Link )
 pflags -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 pfsh -- execute a command in a profile ( Index Term Link )
 pg -- files perusal filter for CRTs ( Index Term Link )
 pgrep -- find processes by name and other attributes ( Index Term Link )
 pkginfo -- display software package information ( Index Term Link )
 pkgmk -- produce an installable package ( Index Term Link )
 pkgparam -- display package parameter values ( Index Term Link )
 pkgproto -- generate prototype file entries for input to pkgmk command ( Index Term Link )
 pkgtrans -- translate package format ( Index Term Link )
 pkill -- signal processes by name and other attributes ( Index Term Link )
 pldd -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 plimit -- get or set the resource limits of running processes ( Index Term Link )
 plot -- graphics filters for plotters ( Index Term Link )
 plotters, graphics filters -- plot ( Index Term Link )
 graphics filters -- tplot, graphics filters ( Index Term Link )
 pmap -- display information about the address space of a process ( Index Term Link )
 popd -- shell built-in functions to change the current working directory ( Index Term Link )
 portable archive interchange -- pax ( Index Term Link )
 postplot -- PostScript translator for plot(4B) graphics files ( Index Term Link )
 postdaisy -- PostScript translator for Diablo 630 daisy-wheel files ( Index Term Link )
 postdmd -- PostScript translator for DMD bitmap files ( Index Term Link )
 postio -- serial interface for PostScript printers ( Index Term Link )
 postmd -- matrix display program for PostScript printers ( Index Term Link )
 postprint -- PostScript translator for text files ( Index Term Link )
 postprocessors, troff for PostScript printers -- dpost ( Index Term Link )
 postreverse -- reverse the page order in a PostScript file ( Index Term Link )
  matrix display program -- postmd ( Index Term Link )
  prepends host resident PostScript fonts to files -- download ( Index Term Link )
  reverse the page order in a PostScript file -- postreverse ( Index Term Link )
  serial interface -- postio ( Index Term Link )
  translator for Diablo 630 daisy-wheel files -- postdaisy ( Index Term Link )
  translator for DMD bitmap files -- postdmd ( Index Term Link )
  translator for plot(4B) graphics files -- postplot ( Index Term Link )
  translator for Tektronix 4014 files -- posttek ( Index Term Link )
  translator for text files -- postprint ( Index Term Link )
  troff postprocessor for PostScript printers -- dpost ( Index Term Link )
 PostScript translator for Diablo 630 daisy-wheel files -- postdaisy ( Index Term Link )
 PostScript translator forMD bitmap files -- postdmd ( Index Term Link )
 PostScript translator for Tektronix 4014 files -- posttek ( Index Term Link )
 PostScript translator for text files -- postprint ( Index Term Link )
 posttek -- PostScript translator for Tektronix 4014 files ( Index Term Link )
 pr -- print files ( Index Term Link )
 Practical Extraction and Report Language -- perl ( Index Term Link )
 praliases -- display system mail aliases ( Index Term Link )
 prctl -- get or set the resource controls of running processes, tasks, and projects ( Index Term Link )
 preap -- force a defunct process to be reaped by its parent ( Index Term Link )
 prex -- control tracing and manipulate probe points in a process or the kernel ( Index Term Link )
 prime factors, obtain for a number -- factor ( Index Term Link )
 print -- shell built-in function to output characters to the screen or window ( Index Term Link )
  formatted output -- printf ( Index Term Link )
  print files -- pr ( Index Term Link )
 print process arguments, environment variables, or auxiliary vector -- pargs ( Index Term Link )
 print authorizations granted to a user -- auths ( Index Term Link )
 print execution profiles for a user -- profiles ( Index Term Link )
 print files -- lpr ( Index Term Link )
 print files, prepends host resident PostScript fonts to files -- download ( Index Term Link )
 print project membership of user -- projects ( Index Term Link )
 print roles granted to a user -- roles ( Index Term Link )
 print services, print information about the status -- lpstat ( Index Term Link )
 printenv -- display environment variables ( Index Term Link )
  cancel requests -- cancel ( Index Term Link )
  control -- lpc ( Index Term Link )
  display queue -- lpq ( Index Term Link )
  print information about the status -- lpstat ( Index Term Link )
  remove jobs from queue -- lprm ( Index Term Link )
  send requests -- lp ( Index Term Link )
  test -- lptest ( Index Term Link )
 printers, LP
  -- disable ( Index Term Link )
  -- enable ( Index Term Link )
 printf -- print formatted output ( Index Term Link )
 proc tools
  -- pcred ( Index Term Link )
  -- pfiles ( Index Term Link )
  -- pflags ( Index Term Link )
  -- pldd ( Index Term Link )
  -- prun ( Index Term Link )
  -- psig ( Index Term Link )
  -- pstack ( Index Term Link )
  -- pstop ( Index Term Link )
  -- ptime ( Index Term Link )
  -- ptree ( Index Term Link )
  -- pwait ( Index Term Link )
  -- pwdx ( Index Term Link )
 process, running, change priority -- renice ( Index Term Link )
 process accounting
  search and print files -- acctcom ( Index Term Link )
  time a command; report process data and system activity -- timex ( Index Term Link )
 process scheduler, display or set scheduling parameters of specified process(es) -- priocntl ( Index Term Link )
 process status, report -- ps ( Index Term Link )
  display status -- ps ( Index Term Link )
  get core images of running processes -- gcore ( Index Term Link )
  terminate a process by default -- kill ( Index Term Link )
 processors, display type -- mach ( Index Term Link )
 prof -- display profile data ( Index Term Link )
 profile, display call-graph -- gprof ( Index Term Link )
 profiles -- print execution profiles for a user ( Index Term Link )
 programming languages
  analyze and disperse compiler error messages -- error ( Index Term Link )
  C compiler -- cc ( Index Term Link )
  C preprocessor -- cpp ( Index Term Link )
  C program verifier -- lint ( Index Term Link )
  extract strings from C code -- xstr ( Index Term Link )
  formats program in nice style using troff -- vgrind ( Index Term Link )
 programming tools
  arbitrary precision arithmetic language -- bc ( Index Term Link )
  assembler -- as ( Index Term Link )
  create a tags file for use with ex and vi -- ctags ( Index Term Link )
  create C error messages -- mkstr ( Index Term Link )
  debugger -- adb ( Index Term Link )
  display call-graph profile data -- gprof ( Index Term Link )
  dump selected parts of an object file -- dump ( Index Term Link )
  find printable strings in an object or binary file -- strings ( Index Term Link )
  -- install ( Index Term Link )
  link editor -- ld ( Index Term Link )
  link-editor for object files -- ld ( Index Term Link )
  macro processor -- m4 ( Index Term Link )
  make -- build programs ( Index Term Link )
  object code disassembler -- dis ( Index Term Link )
  print name list of an object file -- nm ( Index Term Link )
  print section sizes in bytes of object files -- size ( Index Term Link )
  regular expression compile -- regcmp ( Index Term Link )
  resolve and remove ifdef'ed lines from C program source -- unifdef ( Index Term Link )
  resource usage for a command -- rusage ( Index Term Link )
  RPC protocol compiler -- rpcgen ( Index Term Link )
  Source Code Control System -- sccs ( Index Term Link )
  strip symbol table, debugging and line number information from an object file -- strip ( Index Term Link )
  touch -- update last modified date of file ( Index Term Link )
 projects -- print project membership of user ( Index Term Link )
 prun -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 PS1 variable -- sh ( Index Term Link )
 PS2 variable -- sh ( Index Term Link )
 ps -- display process status ( Index Term Link )
 psig -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 pstack -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 pstop -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 ptime -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 ptree -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 pushd -- shell built-in functions to change the current working directory ( Index Term Link )
 pvs -- display the internal versioning information of dynamic objects ( Index Term Link )
 pwait -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )
 pwd -- print working directory name ( Index Term Link )
 pwdx -- proc tools ( Index Term Link )