man pages section 2: System Calls
 sbrk -- change the amount of space allocated for the calling process's data segment ( Index Term Link )
 schedule an alarm signal -- alarm ( Index Term Link )
 semaphore operations -- semop ( Index Term Link )
 semaphore operations -- semtimedop ( Index Term Link )
 semaphore operations
  -- _lwp_sema_init ( Index Term Link )
  -- _lwp_sema_post ( Index Term Link )
  -- _lwp_sema_trywait ( Index Term Link )
  -- _lwp_sema_wait ( Index Term Link )
  control operations -- semctl ( Index Term Link )
  get a set -- semget ( Index Term Link )
 semctl -- semaphore control operations ( Index Term Link )
 semget -- get set of semaphores ( Index Term Link )
 semids -- discover all semaphore identifiers ( Index Term Link )
 semop -- semaphore operations ( Index Term Link )
 semtimedop -- semaphore operations ( Index Term Link )
 send a signal to a LWP -- _lwp_kill ( Index Term Link )
 set file access and modification times -- futimesat ( Index Term Link )
 set file access and modification times -- utimes ( Index Term Link )
 set or get processor set attributes -- pset_getattr ( Index Term Link )
 set or get processor set attributes -- pset_setattr ( Index Term Link )
 set or get resource control values -- getrctl ( Index Term Link )
 set or get resource control values -- setrctl ( Index Term Link )
 set or get task or project IDs -- getprojid ( Index Term Link )
 set or get task or project IDs -- gettaskid ( Index Term Link )
 set or get task or project IDs -- settaskid ( Index Term Link )
 set/get LWP specific storage
  -- _lwp_getprivate ( Index Term Link )
  -- _lwp_setprivate ( Index Term Link )
 setaudit -- get and set process audit information ( Index Term Link )
 setaudit_addr -- get and set process audit information ( Index Term Link )
 setauid -- set user audit identity ( Index Term Link )
 setegid -- set effective group ID ( Index Term Link )
 seteuid -- set effective user ID ( Index Term Link )
 setgid -- set group ID ( Index Term Link )
 setgroups -- set supplementary group access list IDs ( Index Term Link )
 setitimer -- set value of interval timer ( Index Term Link )
 setpgid -- set process group ID ( Index Term Link )
 setpgrp -- set process group ID ( Index Term Link )
 setrctl -- set or get resource control values ( Index Term Link )
 setregid() -- set real and effective group ID ( Index Term Link )
 setreuid() -- set real and effective user IDs ( Index Term Link )
 setrlimit -- control maximum system resource consumption ( Index Term Link )
 setsid -- create session and set process group ID ( Index Term Link )
 settaskid -- set or get task or project IDs ( Index Term Link )
 setuid -- set user ID ( Index Term Link )
 shared memory
  control operations -- shmctl ( Index Term Link )
  get segment identifier -- sjmget ( Index Term Link )
  operations -- shmop ( Index Term Link )
 shmctl -- shared memory control operations ( Index Term Link )
 shmget -- get shared memory segment identifier ( Index Term Link )
 shmids -- discover all shared memory identifiers ( Index Term Link )
 shmop -- shared memory operations ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown, -- uadmin ( Index Term Link )
 sigaction -- detailed signal management ( Index Term Link )
 sigaltstack -- set or get signal alternate stack context ( Index Term Link )
 signal a condition variable
  -- _lwp_cond_broadcast ( Index Term Link )
  -- _lwp_cond_signal ( Index Term Link )
 signal alternate stack, set or get context -- sigaltstack ( Index Term Link )
 signal management, detailed -- sigaction ( Index Term Link )
 signal mask
  change and/or examine -- sigprocmask ( Index Term Link )
  install, and suspend process until signal -- sigsuspend ( Index Term Link )
 signals, examine blocked and pending ones -- sigpending ( Index Term Link )
 sigpending -- examine signals that are blocked and pending ( Index Term Link )
 sigprocmask -- change and/or examine calling process's signal mask ( Index Term Link )
 sigsend -- send a signal to a process or a group of processes ( Index Term Link )
 sigsendset -- provides an alternate interface to sigsend for sending signals to sets of processes ( Index Term Link )
 sigsuspend -- install a signal mask and suspend process until signal ( Index Term Link )
 sigwait() -- wait until a signal is posted ( Index Term Link )
 special files, create a new one -- mknod ( Index Term Link )
 stat -- get file status ( Index Term Link )
 statistics, get for mounted file system -- ustat ( Index Term Link )
 statvfs -- get file system information ( Index Term Link )
 stime -- set system time and date ( Index Term Link )
  get next message off a stream -- getmsg ( Index Term Link )
  I/O control functions -- ioctl ( Index Term Link )
  send a message on a stream -- putmsg ( Index Term Link )
 super block, update -- sync ( Index Term Link )
 swap space, manage -- swapctl ( Index Term Link )
 swapctl -- manage swap space ( Index Term Link )
 symbolic link, make one to a file -- symlink ( Index Term Link )
 symlink -- make a symbolic link to a file ( Index Term Link )
 sync -- update super block ( Index Term Link )
 sysinfo -- get and set system information strings ( Index Term Link )
 system administration, administrative control -- uadmin ( Index Term Link )
 system clock, synchronization -- adjtime ( Index Term Link )
 system information, get and set strings -- sysinfo ( Index Term Link )
 system operation, update super block -- sync ( Index Term Link )
 system resources, control maximum system resource consumption -- getrlimit, setrlimit ( Index Term Link )