man pages section 3: Networking Library Functions
 filter expression for attribute search
  -- fn_search_filter_arguments ( Index Term Link )
  -- fn_search_filter_assign ( Index Term Link )
  -- fn_search_filter_copy ( Index Term Link )
  -- fn_search_filter_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- fn_search_filter_destroy ( Index Term Link )
  -- fn_search_filter_expression ( Index Term Link )
  -- FN_search_filter_t ( Index Term Link )
 find service types -- SLPFindSrvTypes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_bind -- bind a reference to a name and associate attributes with named object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_create_subcontext -- create subcontext and associate attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_ext_search -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_get -- return specified attribute associated with name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_get_ids -- get list of attribute identifiers ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_get_values -- return values of an attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_modify -- modify specified attribute associated with name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_multi_get -- return multiple attributes associated with named object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_multi_modify -- modify multiple attributes associated with named object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attr_search -- search for atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_add -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_assign -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_copy -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_create -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_destroy -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_first -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_identifier -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_next -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_remove -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_syntax -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 FN_attribute_t -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attribute_valuecount -- an XFN attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_add -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_assign -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_copy -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_count -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_create -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_destroy -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_first -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrmodlist_next -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 FN_attrmodlist_t -- a list of attribute modifications ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_add -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_assign -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_copy -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_count -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_create -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_destroy -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_first -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_get -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_next -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_attrset_remove -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 FN_attrset_t -- a set of XFN attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fn_bindinglist_destroy -- list the atomic names and references bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_bindinglist_next -- list the atomic names and references bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 FN_bindinglist_t -- list the atomic names and references bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_append_comp -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_append_name -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_assign -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_copy -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_count -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_create -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_delete_comp -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_destroy -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_first -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_from_str -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_from_string -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_insert_comp -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_insert_name -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_is_empty -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_is_equal -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_is_prefix -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_is_suffix -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_last -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_next -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_prefix -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_prepend_comp -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_prepend_name -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_prev -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_composite_name_suffix -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 FN_composite_name_t -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_append_comp -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_assign -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_copy -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_count -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_delete_all -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_delete_comp -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_destroy -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_first -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_from_syntax_attrs -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_get_syntax_attrs -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_insert_comp -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_is_empty -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_is_equal -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_is_prefix -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_is_suffix -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_last -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_next -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_prefix -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_prepend_comp -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_prev -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_compound_name_suffix -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 FN_compound_name_t -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_bind -- bind a reference to a name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_equivalent_name -- construct equivalent name in same context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_handle_from_initial -- return a handle to the Initial Context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_handle_from_ref -- construct a handle to a context object using the given reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_list_bindings -- list the atomic names and references bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_list_names -- list the atomic names bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_lookup_link -- look up the link reference bound to a name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ctx_rename -- rename the name of a binding ( Index Term Link )
 FN_ctx_t -- an XFN context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ext_searchlist_destroy -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ext_searchlist_next -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
 FN_ext_searchlist_t -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
 FN_identifier_t -- an XFN identifier ( Index Term Link )
 fn_multigetlist_destroy -- return multiple attributes associated with named object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_multigetlist_next -- return multiple attributes associated with named object ( Index Term Link )
 FN_multigetlist_t -- return multiple attributes associated with named object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_namelist_destroy -- list the atomic names bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_namelist_next -- list the atomic names bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 FN_namelist_t -- list the atomic names bound in a context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_assign -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_copy -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_create -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_data -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_description -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_destroy -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_length -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 FN_ref_addr_t -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addr_type -- an address in an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_addrcount -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_append_addr -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_assign -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_copy -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_create -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_create_link -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_delete_addr -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_delete_all -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_description -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_destroy -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_first -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_insert_addr -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_is_link -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_link_name -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_next -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_prepend_addr -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 FN_ref_t -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_ref_type -- an XFN reference ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_assign -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_copy -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_create -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_destroy -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_follow_links -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_max_names -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_return_attr_ids -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_return_ref -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_control_scope -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 FN_search_control_t -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_filter_arguments -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_filter_assign -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_filter_copy -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_filter_create -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_filter_destroy -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 fn_search_filter_expression -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
 FN_search_filter_t -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
  BNF of Filter Expression ( Index Term Link )
  Extended Operations ( Index Term Link )
  Precedence ( Index Term Link )
  Relational Operators ( Index Term Link )
  Specification of Filter Expression ( Index Term Link )
  Wildcarded Strings ( Index Term Link )
 fn_searchlist_destroy -- terminate search for atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_searchlist_next -- search for next atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
 FN_searchlist_t -- search for atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_advance_by_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_append_remaining_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_append_resolved_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_assign -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_code -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_copy -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_create -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_description -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_destroy -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_diagnostic_message -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_is_success -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_link_code -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_link_diagnostic_message -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_link_remaining_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_link_resolved_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_link_resolved_ref -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_remaining_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_resolved_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_resolved_ref -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_code -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_diagnostic_message -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_link_code -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_link_diagnostic_message -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_link_remaining_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_link_resolved_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_link_resolved_ref -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_remaining_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_resolved_name -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_resolved_ref -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_status_set_success -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 FN_status_t -- an XFN status object ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_assign -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_bytecount -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_charcount -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_code_set -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_compare -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_compare_substring -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_contents -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_copy -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_create -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_destroy -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_from_composite_name -- component names spanning multiple naming systems ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_from_compound_name -- an XFN compound name ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_from_contents -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_from_str -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_from_str_n -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_from_strings -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_from_substring -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_is_empty -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_next_substring -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_prev_substring -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_string_str -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 FN_string_t -- a character string ( Index Term Link )
 fn_valuelist_destroy -- return values of an attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fn_valuelist_next -- return values of an attribute ( Index Term Link )
 FN_valuelist_t -- return values of an attribute ( Index Term Link )
  component names spanning multiple naming systems
   See FN_composite_name_t
  fn_attr_bind -- bind a reference to a name and associate attributes with named object ( Index Term Link )
  fn_attr_create_subcontext -- create subcontext and associate attributes ( Index Term Link )
  fn_attr_ext_search -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
  fn_attr_search -- search for atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
  fn_ctx_equivalent_name -- construct equivalent name in same context ( Index Term Link )
  fn_ext_searchlist_destroy -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
  fn_ext_searchlist_next -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
  FN_ext_searchlist_t -- search for names whose attributes satisfy filter ( Index Term Link )
  FN_search_control_t -- options for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
  FN_search_filter_t -- filter expression for attribute search ( Index Term Link )
  fn_searchlist_destroy -- terminate search for atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
  fn_searchlist_next -- search for next atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
  FN_searchlist_t -- search for atomic name with specified attributes in single context ( Index Term Link )
 fp_resstat -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 free a BerElement structure from memory -- ldap_ber_free ( Index Term Link )
 free buffer storage allocated by a GSS-API function -- gss_release_buffer ( Index Term Link )
 free memory allocated by LDAP API functions -- ldap_memfree ( Index Term Link )
 free storage associated with a GSS-API-generated gss_OID_set object -- gss_release_oid_set ( Index Term Link )
 freeaddrinfo -- translate between node name and address ( Index Term Link )
 freehostent -- get IP node entry ( Index Term Link )
 frees memory -- SLPFree ( Index Term Link )
 functions to map Internet Protocol network interface names and interface indexes -- if_freenameindex ( Index Term Link )
 functions to map Internet Protocol network interface names and interface indexes -- if_indextoname ( Index Term Link )
 functions to map Internet Protocol network interface names and interface indexes -- if_nameindex ( Index Term Link )
 functions to map Internet Protocol network interface names and interface indexes -- if_nametoindex ( Index Term Link )