man pages section 3: Curses Library Functions
 def_prog_mode -- save/restore terminal modes ( Index Term Link )
 def_shell_mode -- save/restore terminal modes ( Index Term Link )
 default window -- stdscr ( Index Term Link )
 del_curterm -- interfaces to the terminfo database ( Index Term Link )
 delay_output -- delays output ( Index Term Link )
 delays output -- delay_output ( Index Term Link )
 delch -- remove a character ( Index Term Link )
 delete a window -- delwin ( Index Term Link )
 deleteln -- remove a line ( Index Term Link )
 delwin -- delete a window ( Index Term Link )
 derwin -- create a new window or subwindow ( Index Term Link )
 determine insert/delete character/line capability
  -- has_ic ( Index Term Link )
  -- has_il ( Index Term Link )
 disable use of certain terminal capabilities -- filter ( Index Term Link )
 discard type-ahead characters -- flushinp ( Index Term Link )
 doupdate -- refresh windows and lines ( Index Term Link )
 duplicate a window -- dupwin ( Index Term Link )
 dupwin -- duplicate a window ( Index Term Link )