man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions
 tan -- tangent function ( Index Term Link )
 tangent function -- tan ( Index Term Link )
 tanh -- hyperbolic tangent function ( Index Term Link )
 test access CPU performance counters -- cpc_access ( Index Term Link )
 test for NaN -- isnan ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_DEBUG -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE -- probe insertion interface
  arg_name_n ( Index Term Link )
  arg_type_n ( Index Term Link )
  arg_value_n ( Index Term Link )
  detail ( Index Term Link )
  keys ( Index Term Link )
  name ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_0 -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_1 -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_2 -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_3 -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_4 -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_5 -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_2_DEBUG -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_3_DEBUG -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_4_DEBUG -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 TNF_PROBE_5_DEBUG -- probe insertion interface ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_process_disable() -- disables probing for the process ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_process_enable() -- enables probing for the process ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_thread_disable() -- disables probing for the calling thread ( Index Term Link )
 tnf_thread_enable() -- enables probing for the calling thread ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_buffer_alloc -- allocate or deallocate a buffer for trace data ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_buffer_dealloc -- allocate or deallocate a buffer for trace data ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_check_libs -- control probes of another process where caller provides /proc functionality ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_close -- close a tnfctl handle ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_continue -- interfaces for direct probe and process control for another process ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_exec_open -- interfaces for direct probe and process control for another process ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_list_add -- control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_list_delete -- control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_list_get -- control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_filter_state_set -- control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_indirect_open -- control probes of another process where caller provides /proc functionality ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_internal_open -- create handle for internal process probe control ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_kernel_open -- create handle for kernel probe control ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_pid_open -- interfaces for direct probe and process control for another process ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_apply -- iterate over probes ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_apply_ids -- iterate over probes ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_connect -- interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_disable -- interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_disconnect_all -- interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_enable -- interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_state_get -- interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_trace -- interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_probe_untrace -- interfaces to query and to change the state of a probe ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_register_funcs -- register callbacks for probe creation and destruction ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_strerror -- map a tnfctl error code to a string ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_trace_attrs_get -- get the trace attributes from a tnfctl handle ( Index Term Link )
 tnfctl_trace_state_set -- control kernel tracing and process filtering ( Index Term Link )
 touchlock -- functions to manage lockfile(s) for user's mailbox ( Index Term Link )
 translate strings to and from events -- cpc_eventtostr ( Index Term Link )
 translate strings to and from events -- cpc_strtoevent ( Index Term Link )
 traverse libdevinfo device nodes -- di_walk_node ( Index Term Link )
 traverse libdevinfo minor nodes -- di_walk_minor ( Index Term Link )