man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
 tape, magnetic interface, -- mtio ( Index Term Link )
 tape interface -- mt ( Index Term Link )
 tcp -- Internet Transmission Control Protocol ( Index Term Link )
 tcx -- Sun low-range graphics accelerator with color memory frame buffer ( Index Term Link )
 terminal, standard STREAMS, line discipline module -- ldterm ( Index Term Link )
 terminal emulation, ANSI -- wscons ( Index Term Link )
 terminal interface, -- termio ( Index Term Link )
 terminal interface, extended, -- termiox ( Index Term Link )
 terminal parameters -- termiox ( Index Term Link )
 termio -- general terminal interface ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Canonical mode input processing ( Index Term Link )
  Comparison of the different cases of MIN, TIME interaction ( Index Term Link )
  Control Modes ( Index Term Link )
  Default values ( Index Term Link )
  Input modes ( Index Term Link )
  Local modes ( Index Term Link )
  Minimum and Timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Modem disconnect ( Index Term Link )
  Modem lines ( Index Term Link )
  Non-canonical mode input processing ( Index Term Link )
  Output modes ( Index Term Link )
  Special Characters ( Index Term Link )
  Terminal parameters ( Index Term Link )
  Terminal size ( Index Term Link )
  Termio structure ( Index Term Link )
  Writing characters ( Index Term Link )
 termiox -- extended general terminal interface ( Index Term Link )
 ticlts -- loopback transport provider ( Index Term Link )
 ticots -- loopback transport provider ( Index Term Link )
 ticotsord -- loopback transport provider ( Index Term Link )
 timod -- Transport Interface cooperating module ( Index Term Link )
 timod -- Transport Interface read/write interface module ( Index Term Link )
 TIOCPKT -- set/clear packet mode (pty) ( Index Term Link )
 TIOCREMOTE -- remote input editing ( Index Term Link )
 TIOCSTART -- start output (like control-Q) ( Index Term Link )
 TIOCSTOP -- stop output (like control-S) ( Index Term Link )
 tmpfs -- memory based filesystem ( Index Term Link )
 tpf -- Platform Specific Module (PSM) for Tricord Systems Enterprise Server Models ES3000, ES4000 and ES5000 ( Index Term Link )
 Transport Interface cooperating STREAMS module -- timod ( Index Term Link )
 Transport Interface read/write interface STREAMS module -- timod ( Index Term Link )
 ttcompat -- V7, 4BSD and XENIX STREAMS compatibility module ( Index Term Link )
 tty -- controlling terminal interface ( Index Term Link )
 ttymux, STREAMS-based serial I/O multiplexer interface ( Index Term Link )