Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide

Drawing Localized Text

The functions defined in this section draw text at a specified location in a drawable. They are similar to the XDrawText(), XDrawString(), and XDrawImageString() functions except that they work with font sets instead of single fonts, and they interpret the text based on the locale of the font set instead of treating the bytes of the string as direct font indexes. If a BadFont error is generated, characters prior to the offending character may have been drawn.

The text is drawn using the fonts loaded for the specified font set; the font in the graphics context (GC) is ignored and may be modified by the functions. No validation that all fonts conform to some width rule is performed.

Use the XmbDrawText() or XwcDrawText() function to draw text using multiple font sets in a given drawable. To draw text using a single font set in a given drawable, use the XmbDrawString() or XwcDrawString() function. To draw image text using a single font set in a given drawable, use the XmbDrawImageString() or XwcDrawImageString() function.