Solaris Java Plug-in User's Guide

Setting Control Panel Options

There are five panels from which you can set various options within the Java Plug-in Control Panel. These panels are labeled:

Basic Panel

The basic panel looks like this:Panel showing check boxes for enabling Java Plug-in, hiding or showing the Java Console, and for showing the exception dialog box.

Use the Basic panel to set the following options:

Advanced Panel

The Advanced panel looks like this:Panel showing pull-down menu and text fields for indicating which Java platform version and runtime parameters the Java Plug-in is to use.

Use the Advanced panel to set the following options:

Proxies Panel

The Proxies panel looks like this:Panel showing check boxes and text fields for overriding the browser's default settings for proxy address and ports for various protocols.

Use the Proxies panel to use the browser default settings or to override the proxy address and port for the different protocols.

Cache Panel

The Cache panel looks like this:Panel with controls for enabling and managing the JAR cache, including viewing, clearing, sizing, and compressing the cache.

Certificates Panel

The Certificates panel looks like this:Panel with check boxes for selecting certificate types: signed applet, secure site, signer CA, and secure site CA.

Four types of certificates may be selected: