Common Desktop Environment: ToolTalk Messaging Overview

Formats of Traced Functions

The following is an example of how a traced ToolTalk function looks.

[pid] function_name(params) = return_value (Tt_status)

Message Summary Format

The -a option prints message attributes after a one-line summary of the message, as follows:

Tt_state Tt_paradigm Tt_class (Tt_disposition in Tt_scope): status == Tt_status

State Change Format

State changes are indicated by the following format:

old_state => new_state. 

Message Delivery Format

Deliveries are indicated by the following indicated:

Tt_message => procid recipient_procid 

Table 4-4 dexplains the messages you may receive during a dispatch trace.

Table 4-4 Reasons for Dispatch Trace




The message to send. 


The message was rejected. 


The message failed. 


The reply to a message. 


The session to join. 


The file to join. 


A client called the indicated function.  


ttsession is dispatching on_exit messages for a client that disconnected before calling tt_close.


ttsession is dispatching messages that had been blocked while a ptype was being started. The started client has now called either tt_message_accept or tt_message_reply to indicate that the ptype should be unblocked.


A ptype instance was started to receive the message, but the start command exited before it connected to ttsession.  


ttsession lost its connection to the client that was working on this request.  

ttsession -> ttsession

Another session wants this session to find recipients for the message.  

ttsession <- ttsession

Another session wants to update (for example, fail) a message originating in this session.  

Matching Format

When dispatching is being traced, matching is indicated by one of the following formats:

Tt_message & Tt_pattern {  Tt_message & ptype ptid {  Tt_message & otype otid {

The pattern or signature is printed, followed by:

} == match_score; [/* mismatch_reason */]