Korean Solaris User's Guide

The Sdtconvtool Utility

Sdtconvtool is a graphic user interface utility that enables file conversion between various code sets. Its functionality is similar to iconv.

The following steps show how to convert a file encoded in UTF-8 to ko_KR-euc encoding:

  1. Select the code set of the file to be converted.

    Click on the arrow button to the right of the "Source Code Set" label to reveal a list of available code sets in the system. Scroll through the list and select the code set of the file to be converted. In this case, select "UTF-8."

  2. Type the path of the file to be converted.

    The path to the file can either be entered manually in the "Source File Path" area, or chosen by selecting the "Browse..." button and selecting the file name from the file selection box. In this case, enter or select /tmp/ko_KR.UTF-8.

    The "Clear" button to the right of the "Browse..." button can be used to erase the entered source or path.

  3. Select the code set to which the file will be converted.

    Select the target file code set information from the pull-down menu to the right of the "Target Code Set:" label. In this case, select "ko_KR-euc."

  4. Type the path to which the converted file will be saved.

    The path to the converted file can either be entered manually in the "Target File Path" area. In this case, enter or select /tmp/ko-euc.txt.

    The "Clear" button to the right of the "Browse..." button can be used to erase the entered target file path.

  5. Select "Start Conversion".

    Pressing the "Start Conversion" button will perform the conversion with the given information.

    The "Clear All Fields" button erases the source and target file path names.