Korean Solaris User's Guide

BDF and PCF Formats

Converting BDF to PCF Format

Before Solaris applications can use the modified BDF file, it must be converted to an PCF format file.

    Use the bdftopcf command to make the BDF font file usable by the Korean Solaris operating environment by converting it to PCF format as follows:

    system% bdftopcf -o myfont14.pcf myfont14.bdf

For more information, see the bdftopcf(1) man page and the mkfont(1) man page.

Installing and Checking the Edited Font

  1. To add a new bitmap to the Solaris operating environment, put the .pcf font file in your font directory. You may compress the .pcf font file before moving it to your font directory:

    system% compress myfont14.pcf

  2. Run the following commands in your font directory.

    Note that the .bdf file should not be in the font directory.

    system% cat >> fonts.alias
    system% mkfontdir
    system% xset +fp `pwd`

  3. You can view your font by entering:

    system% xfd -fn Myfont-Medium14