Simplified Chinese Solaris Release Overview

Overview of Features

The Simplified Chinese SolarisTM 9 operating environment is the internationalization and Simplified Chinese localization of the Solaris 9 operating environment and the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) window system.

The following sections provide information on the facilities you can use to input, display, and print multibyte simplified Chinese characters in the Solaris 9 operating environment.

New Localized Features

The new features of the Simplified Chinese Solaris 9 operating environment include support for new locales, collation options, input methods, and iconv modules.

Language Support

The Solaris environment builds inherent internationalization features into every localized product. Localization facilities support the ANSI C recommendations for internationalization and localization that define the locale and related categories.


A locale contains the language with culturally specific information and conventions for a particular global region. Each process in the Solaris operating environment has the following set of locale attributes:

Simplified Chinese Locales

The Simplified Chinese Solaris operating environment provides simultaneous support for the locales in the following table. The locales look the same to the end user, but the internal character encoding is different.

Table 1-1 Simplied Chinese Locales



zh_CN.EUC (zh)

Simplified Chinese EUC (GB2312) 

zh_CN.GBK (zh.GBK)

Simplified Chinese GBK 


Simplified Chinese GB18030-2000 

zh_CN.UTF-8 (zh.UTF-8)

Simplified Chinese UTF-8 (Unicode 3.1) 

Simplified Chinese Codesets

The following table lists supported codesets for each Simplified Chinese locale.

Table 1-2 Simplied Chinese Codesets



zh_CN.EUC (zh)


zh_CN.GBK (zh.GBK)




zh_CN.UTF-8 (zh-UTF-8)


Simplified Chinese Input Methods and Fonts

The Simplified Chinese Solaris environment provides input methods and fonts which allow you to input, display, and print any character in any language. The following input methods are supported for the Simplified Chinese locales:

For a complete list of fonts supported for the Simplified Chinese locales, see the International Language Environments Guide.

Input Method Auxiliary Window

The input method auxiliary window supports the following new functions:

Locale Categories

In the Simplified Chinese Solaris 9 operating environment, you can use the following general and specific categories as defined by ANSI C for the Simplified Chinese and English locales.

For example, the Simplified Chinese and the English/ASCII locales have the LC_TIME category that defines the display of the time and date according to the cultural format, as well as the actual Simplified Chinese or English/ASCII characters used in the display.

Common Desktop Environment (CDE)

CDE is an internationalized graphical user environment with a rich set of desktop applications. The environment is localized for Simplified Chinese and other languages. You can work with two or more localized applications simultaneously on the same desktop. Localized CDE applications include the following:

Note -

The OpenWindowsTM environment is no longer supported for use in this release.

Printing Facilities

The Solaris environment provides the following support for Simplified Chinese printing:

Remote User Facilities

The following list summarizes the Simplified Chinese Solaris 9 remote user facilities:

Developer Facilities

You can add a new locale or variations of existing locales to the Solaris 9 internationalized software environment. If you are a developer responsible for building locales, consult the International Language Environments Guide for additional information.

Messaging Facilities

The Solaris 9 messaging facilities provide localized versions of messages available for a locale. You can add localized messages without recompiling an internationalized application. Messages that are localized use facilities such as the following: