Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0 User Guide

3.3 Using the Master Agent

snmpdx [-h] [-p port_number] [-r filename]

[-a filename] [-c dirname] [-i filename] [-o filename] [-y]

[-m GROUP|SPLIT] [-d debug_level] 

The command line arguments are shown in Table 3–2.

Table 3–2 Master Agent Command Line Arguments



-a filename

A full path (default) of the access control file is: /etc/snmp/conf/snmdx.acl; see 4.4 Agents Access Control File for more information

-c dirname

The full path of the (default) directory containing the agent resource files; the default directory is: /etc/snmp/conf

-d debug_level

Used for debugging purposes; depending on the debug_level (0–4), it prints a specific amount of information; the default debug_level is 0


Command usage 

-i filename

The full path of the PID used by the Master Agent for recovery after a crash; it contains tuples of the UNIX process ID, port number, resource name, and agent name (default files) is: /var/snmp/

-o filename

This file contains the tuple (enterprise_name, oid); for example, (Sun Microsystems,; the file (default) is used as a base for lookup in the trap-filtering and forwarding process is: /etc/snmp/conf/enterprises.oid


The forwarding of SNMP requests mode; the default is GROUP; see 3.1.5 Sending Requests for a description of the two modes

-p port_number

The port number; the default port number is 161; for example, -p 1234

-r filename

The full path of the resource file name used by the Master Agent; stores information about the subagents that the Master Agent invokes and manages; the default resource file is /etc/snmp/conf/snmpdx.rsrc; see 4.2 Agents Resource Configuration Files for more information


A recovery indicator signals when invoking the Master Agent process and then invokes the recovery module; the recovery process discovers which subagents in the previous session are still active; those subagents not active are re-spawned by the Master Agent