Solstice Enterprise Agents 1.0 User Guide

7.2 Using the dmi_cmd Command

dmi_cmd [-s hostname]
-h |
-V |
-W config |
-X |
-CI mif_filename |
-CL [-c compId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] |
-CD -c compId |
-GI schema_filename -c compId |
-GL -c compId -g groupId [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount] |
-GM -c compId [-m maxCount] |
-GD -c compId -g groupId |
-NI schema_filename -c compId |
-NL -c compId |
-ND -c compId -l language_string |
-AL -c compId -g groupId [-a attrId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p]

[-m maxCount]

The command line arguments for dmi_cmd are shown in Table 7–1.

Table 7–1 dmi_cmd Command Line Arguments



-s hostname

Specifies the host machine that dmisp is running on; the default host is the local host


Prints usage information 


Retrieves version information about the DMI SP 

-W config

Sets the configuration specified in config to dmisp


Retrieves configuration information describing the current language in use 

-CI mif_filename

Installs the component specified in mif_filename

-CL [-c compId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount]

Lists components 

-CD -c compId

Deletes the component specified by compId

-GI schema_filename -c compId

Installs the group schema specified in schema_filename

-GL -c compId -g groupId [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount]

Lists the groups for a specified component 

-GM -c compId [-m maxCount]

Lists class names for a specified component 

-GD -c compId -g groupId

Deletes specified groups for a specified component 

-NI schema_filename -c compId

Installs the language schema specified in schema_filename

-NL -c compId

Lists language mappings for a specified component 

-ND -c compId -l language_string

Deletes language mapping for a specified component 

-AL -c compId -g groupId [-a attrId] [-r reqMode] [-d] [-p] [-m maxCount]

Lists attributes for a specified component 

Note –

The values for compId, groupId, attrId, and maxCount are positive integers. The default value is 0.

The valid integer values for reqMode are:

7.2.1 dmi_cmd Examples Example 1

The following command lists the component ID, name, and description of up to 5 components, starting from component 3 in the dmispd running on the host snowbell, by using the default request mode (DMI_UNIQUE).

%dmi_cmd -s snowbell -CL -d -c 3 -m 5

Connecting to dmispd on the snowbell...

CompId:         4
Comp Name:      DMTF Developers -  Direct Interface Version
Description:    A list of the people who actually wrote the code.

CompId:         5
Comp Name:      DMTF Developers -  Direct Interface Version
Description:    A list of the people who actually wrote the code.

CompId:         6
Comp Name:      DMTF Developers -  Direct Interface Version
Description:    A list of the people who actually wrote the code.

CompId:         7
Comp Name:      DMTF Developers -  Direct Interface Version
Description:    A list of the people who actually wrote the code.

CompId:         8
Comp Name:      DMTF Developers -  Direct Interface Version
Description:    A list of the people who actually wrote the code. Example 2

The following command lists the ID, name, storage, access mode, date type, and maximum size of all attributes in group 1 of component 1 in the dmispd running on local host, by using default request mode (DMI_UNIQUE). No description is displayed, and no limitation is set for max count.

%dmi_cmd -AL -g 1 -c 1

Connecting to dmispd on the localhost...

12 attrs listed for group 1 of comp 1

Attr Id:        1
Name:           Manufacturer
Storage:        MIF_COMMON
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        64

Attr Id:        2
Name:           Product
Storage:        MIF_COMMON
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        64

Attr Id:        3
Name:           Version
Storage:        MIF_COMMON
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        64

Attr Id:        4
Name:           Serial Number
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        64

Attr Id:        5
Name:           Installation
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
Type:           MIF_DATE
maxSize:        0

Attr Id:        6
Name:           Verify
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
Type:           MIF_INTEGER
maxSize:        0

Attr Id:        7
Name:           ComponentId
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
Type:           MIF_INTEGER
maxSize:        0

Attr Id:        8
Name:           ComponentName
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        256

Attr Id:        9
Name:           ComponentDesc
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        256

Attr Id:        10
Name:           GroupId
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
Type:           MIF_INTEGER
maxSize:        0

Attr Id:        11
Name:           GroupName
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        256

Attr Id:        12
Name:           LanguageName
Storage:        MIF_SPECIFIC
Access:         MIF_READ_ONLY
maxSize:        256 Example 3

The following command installs namedir.mif in dmispd running on localhost. The file namedir.mif is located in the directory specified in the configuration file.

%dmi_cmd -CI namedir.mif

Connecting to dmispd on the localhost...

"namedir.mif" is installed as comp 21. Example 4

The following command uninstalls component 5 in dmispd running on localhost.

%dmi_cmd -CD -c 5

Connecting to dmispd on the localhost...

comp 5 is uninstalled. Example 5

The following command displays the version of dmispd running on the snowbell machine.

%dmi_cmd -s snowbell -V

Connecting to dmispd on the snowbell...

dmispd version: Dmi2.0
description:    This is a DMI2.0 based on ONC RPC