KCMS Application Developer's Guide

Chapter 3 Data Structures

In This Chapter

This chapter details data structures in the KCMS "C" API that are common to many functions. These data structures are categorized by macros, constants, and data type definitions. Data structures are listed alphabetically and defined in the kcs.h, kcstypes.h, and kcsstats.h header files.

Data structures relevant only to attributes are defined in Chapter 5, KCMS Profile Attributes.


The following macros are used in the API:

#define KCS_DEFAULT_ATTRIB_COUNT(data_type       
((sizeof (KcsAttributeValue) -       
sizeof (KcsAttributeBase)) / sizeof (data_type))


The following constants are used in the API:

#define KcsAttrStrLength                             256
#define KcsExtendableArray                           4
#define KcsExtendablePixelLayout                     4
#define KcsExtendableMeasSet                         4
#define KcsForceAlign                                0x7FFFFFFF
#define KcsMaxSamples                                4
#define KcsMaxPatches                                8

Data Types


typedef struct KcsAttributeBase_s {
      KcsAttributeType             type;
      unsigned long                countSupplied;
      unsigned long                countAvailable;
      unsigned long                sizeOfType;     
      char                         strVal[KcsAttrStrLength];
 } KcsAttributeBase;

The KcsAttributeBase structure defines a common subset of information in the KcsAttributeValue structure. Nothing in KcsAttributeBase is extendable.

The type field determines the data type in which the attribute value is stored. It is the icSigxxxType as defined in the icc.h and kcstypes.h header files.

The countSupplied field specifies the number of allocated elements in the array. For example, if type is set to KcsDoubleValue and countSupplied is set to 2, the attribute value is large enough to hold two doubles, which are stored in the first two elements of the doubleVal array of KcsAttributeValue (see "KcsAttributeValue ").

When the type field is set to KcsString, KcsDateTimeStamp, or an ic type defined in the header file icc.h, the countSupplied field must be set to 1 because strings are treated as a single token.

Note -

KcsDateTimeStamp, KcsDoubleValue, and KcsString are equated to ic types in the header.

To determine how many values of a particular data type that can fit in a KcsAttributeValue structure, use the KCS_DEFAULT_ATTRIB_COUNT macro. It returns the number of values of the specified data type that will fit in the structure. Your application must set the countSupplied field of the KcsAttributeBase structure to the number of values to get or set before it calls KcsGetAttribute() or KcsSetAttribute(). Upon return of KcsGetAttribute(), the countAvailable field specifies the number of values in the profile.

The sizeOfType field is the value, array or structure indicated by type:

attrValuePtr->base.type = icSigHeaderType;

attrValuePtr->base.sizeOfType = sizeof(icHeader);


attrValuePtr->base.type = icSigMeasurementType;

attrValuePtr->base.sizeOfType = sizeof(icMeasurement);

The KcsAttrStrLength field is defined in the kcstypes.h header file as the maximum string length of 256.


typedef long KcsAttributeName;

KcsAttributeName is used in several functions as the attribute argument.


typedef enum KcsAttributeType_s {
      /* InterColor types map to KcsTypes... */
      KcsString                           = 2,     /* Original; different than ictext! */
      KcsDateTimeStamp                    = 9,     /* Original. Different from `dtim'*/
      KcsUByte                            = icSigUInt8ArrayType,          /* `ui08' */
      KcsUShort                           = icSigUInt16ArrayType,         /* `ui16' */
      KcsULong                            = icSigUInt32ArrayType,         /* `ui32' */
      /* Signed types follow the InterColor convention... */
      KcsByte                             = icSigSInt8ArrayType,          /* `si08' */
      KcsShort                            = icSigSInt16ArrayType,         /* `si16' */
      KcsLong                             = icSigSInt32ArrayType,         /* `si32' */
      KcsDouble                           = icSigSFlt64ArrayType,         /* `sf64' */
      /* A few KCMS-specific */
      KcsPixelLayoutSupported             = icSigPixelLayoutSType,        /* `play' */
      KcsAlias                            = icSigAliasType,               /* `lias' */

      /* To avoid conflict with the icTagTypeSignature enum in */
      /* icc.h, the following list of enums is commented out.*/
      /* They do represent valid KcsAttributeType enums. */
      /* Old pre-ICC types. */
      KcsAttrTypeMax                       = KcsForceAlign
 } KcsAttributeType;

KcsAttributeType is the data type of one field in the KcsAttributeBase structure. It is the name of the data type in which the attribute value is stored. It is an enumerated type. See "KcsAttributeBase" for more information.


typedef struct KcsAttributeValue_s {
      KcsAttributeBase                               base;
      union KcsAttributeValueValue_s {
           struct tm                 dateTimeVal;
           long                      longVal[KcsExtendableArray];
           double                    doubleVal[KcsExtendableArray];
           char                      byteVal[KcsExtendableArray];
           unsigned char             uByteVal[KcsExtendableArray];
           short                     shortVal[KcsExtendableArray];
           unsigned short            uShortVal[KcsExtendableArray];
           unsigned long             uLongVal[KcsExtendableArray];
           KcsPixelLayoutSpeeds      layoutVal[KcsExtendablePixelLayout];
           /* ICC 3.0 values */
           icText                    icText;
           icData                    icData;
           icCurve                   icCurve;
           icUcrBg                   icUcrBg;
           icNamedColor2             icNamedColor2;
           icScreening               icScreening;
           icSignature               icSignature;
           icMeasurement             icMeasurement;
           icDateTimeNumber          icDateTime;
           icViewingCondition        icViewingCondition;
           icTextDescription         icTextDescription;
           icProfileSequenceDesc     icProfileSequenceDescription;
           icXYZArray                icXYZ;
           icInt8Array               icInt8Array;
           icInt16Array              icInt16Array;
           icInt32Array              icInt32Array;
           icInt64Array              icInt64Array;
           icUInt8Array              icUInt8Array;
           icUInt16Array             icUInt16Array;
           icUInt32Array             icUInt32Array;
           icUInt64Array             icUInt64Array;
           icS15Fixed16Array         icS15Fixed16Array;
           icU16Fixed16Array         icU16Fixed16Array
           icHeader                  icHeader
      } KcsAttributeValueValue;
 } KcsAttributeValue;

Note -

The KcsAttributeValueValue data type is included in this type definition.

The KcsAttributeValue structure is the data type of one argument in:

A variable of data type KcsAttributeValue holds the value of an attribute. An attribute's value fits in a normal KcsAttributeValue structure. However, your application may have to extend the KcsAttributeValue structure if the number of values an attribute contains is greater than the number in the default size of the structure. The "C" API macro KCS_DEFAULT_ATTRIB_COUNT returns the values that a variable of this type can hold. (For more information on KCS_DEFAULT_ATTRIB_COUNT, see the description of KcsAttributeBase on "KcsAttributeBase".) For example, to have more values in an attribute than the value returned from the macro, your application can extend the structure by allocating more memory and then casting it as a pointer to a KcsAttributeValue structure. Because it is specified as an array at the end of the structure, and C does not check array bounds, your application can allocate a piece of memory larger than KcsAttributeValue and treat the extra memory as an extension of the val arrays. This allows your application to access the values using the array operator (myAttributeValuePtr->val.doubleVal[i]).

For example, the following code shows you how to get the colorant from a profile.

Example 3-1 KcsAttributeValue

/* Get the colorants */
 /* Red */
 KcsAttributeValue     *attrValuePtr;

 attrValuePtr = (KcsAttributeValue *)malloc(sizeof(KcsAttributeBase) +
                sizeof(icXYZNumber) );
 attrValuePtr->base.type = icSigXYZArrayType;
 attrValuePtr->base.countSupplied = 1;
 status = KcsGetAttribute(profileid, icSigRedColorantTag, attrValuePtr);
 if(status != KCS_SUCCESS) {
      status = KcsGetLastError(&errDesc);
      printf("GetAttribute error: %s\n", errDesc.desc);

 XYZval = (icXYZNumber *)attrValuePtr->val.icXYZ.data;
 printf("Red X=%f Y=%f Z=%f\n", icfixed2double(XYZval->X, icSigS15Fixed16ArrayType),
             icfixed2double(XYZval->Y, icSigS15Fixed16ArrayType), icfixed2double(XYZval->Z,
 /* Green */   
 status = KcsGetAttribute(profileid, icSigGreenColorantTag, attrValuePtr);
 if(status != KCS_SUCCESS) {
      status = KcsGetLastError(&errDesc);
      printf("SetAttribute error: %s\n", errDesc.desc);

 XYZval = (icXYZNumber *)attrValuePtr->val.icXYZ.data;
 printf("Green X=%f Y=%f Z=%f\n", icfixed2double(XYZval->X, icSigS15Fixed16ArrayType),
             icfixed2double(XYZval->Y, icSigS15Fixed16ArrayType), icfixed2double(XYZval->Z,

 /* Blue */
 status = KcsGetAttribute(profileid, icSigBlueColorantTag, attrValuePtr);
 if(status != KCS_SUCCESS) {
      status = KcsGetLastError(&errDesc);
      printf("SetAttribute error: %s\n", errDesc.desc);

 XYZval = (icXYZNumber *)attrValuePtr->val.icXYZ.data;
 printf("Blue X=%f Y=%f Z=%f\n", icfixed2double(XYZval->X, icSigS15Fixed16ArrayType),
             icfixed2double(XYZval->Y, icSigS15Fixed16ArrayType), icfixed2double(XYZval->Z,

If an attribute returns just one long value, use the following code fragment:

KcsAttributeValue myAttributeValue;
 myAttributeValue.base.countSupplied = 1;
 KcsGetAttribute(myProfile, myAttributeName, &myAttributeValue);


typedef enum {
      KcsSpaceUnknown,                            /* Unknown* /
      KcsRGB,                                     /* RGB */
      KcsPhotoCDYcc,                              /* Photo CD Ycc */
      KcsUVLStar,                                 /* uvL */
      KcsCMY,                                     /* CMY */
      KcsCMYK,                                    /* CMYK */
      KcsRCS,                                     /* RCS */
      KcsGray,                                    /* Gray scale*/
      KcsCIEXYZ,                                  /* CIEXYZ */
      KcsCIELAB,                                  /* CIELAB */
      KcsCIELUV,                                  /* CIELUV */
      KcsLogExp,                                  /* Log Exposure interchange space */
      KcsAttrSpaceMax = KcsForceAlign

KcsAttrSpace defines the inputSpace and outputSpace fields of the KcsMeasurementBase structure. (See the format of this structure on "KcsMeasurementBase".)


typedef struct KcsCalibrationData_s {
      KcsMeasurementBase aBase;
      union {                    /* Place holder */
            long Pad;
      } oBase;
      union {
           KcsMeasurementSample      patch[KcsExtendableMeasSet];
      } val;
 } KcsCalibrationData;

KcsCalibrationData holds a set of data used by KcsUpdateProfile() to update a profile that has been calibrated or, in the case of scanners, characterized. (For more information on calibration and characterization, see "Characterizing and Calibrating Profiles". Also see the description of the KcsUpdateProfile() function on "KcsUpdateProfile()".

The KcsCalibrationData structure contains aBase, oBase (currently not used) and val.

The field aBase is a KcsMeasurementBase structure. It contains fields that apply to all the calibration measurements.

The field val is a union that may contain a KcsMeasurementSample extendable structure, or some other measurement structure that another CMM may require. The KcsMeasurementSample structure is expected by the default KCMS CMM. (See the detailed description of KcsMeasurementSample on "KcsMeasurementSample".) When your application allocates memory for a KcsCalibrationData structure, it must allocate sufficient memory to extend the KcsMeasurementSample structure so that the structure can contain the number of measurements corresponding to the field countSupplied in the KcsMeasurementBase structure. In addition, the color space of these measurements must correspond to the enumerated values in the inputSpace and outputSpace fields of the KcsMeasurementBase structure. These spaces and the expected range of values for the measurements are defined in Chapter 4, Functions.


typedef KCS_CALLBK (KcsStatusId) (KCS_PTR KcsCallbackFunction)
 (KcsProfileId                    profile,
      unsigned long               current,
      unsigned long               final,
      KcsFunction                 callingFunc,
      void      KCS_PTR           userDefinedData);

KcsCallbackFunction is the data type of one argument to KcsSetCallback(). It is a pointer to a function returning KcsStatusId.

Note -

The profile field is currently undefined.

A KcsCallbackFunction variable holds a pointer to a callback that your application supplies. The C API does not supply it. The callback tells your application how far certain lengthy operations (such as KcsEvaluate() and KcsOptimizeProfile()) have progressed. If these operations are too slow, your application can provide a way to terminate them. It can use K()csSetCallback() for each function for which a callback is needed.

Example 3-2 demonstrates a callback to the potentially time-consuming KcsOptimizeProfile() function. In the example, KcsSetCallback() sets myCallbackFunc, a variable of type KcsCallbackFunction, as the callback that KcsOptimizeProfile() calls. While executing, KcsOptimizeProfile() periodically calls myCallbackFunc, passing it the following arguments:

Example 3-2 KcsCallbackFunction()

      KcsCallbackFunction myCallbackFunc;
      status=KcsSetCallback(KcsOptimizeFunc, myCallbackFunc,
      status=KcsOptimizeProfile(profile, optimizationType, loadHint);

 /* KcsOptimizeProfile will call myCallbackFunc periodically. This is a
  * simple progress monitoring function; your own progress monitoring
  * function will probably be far more sophisticated. */
 KcsStatusId myCallbackFunc (KcsProfileId profile,
           unsigned long current, unsigned long final,
           KcsCallbackFunction CallingFunc, void* userDefinedData);
      printf("The call is %d percent complete.\n", (current*100)/final);

If the application returns KCS_SUCCESS from the callback function, the API allows the operation in progress to continue. If the callback function returns any other KcsStatusId value, the operation terminates, returning the status value returned from the callback function as its own status. The API provides a status value, KCS_OPERATION_CANCELLED, that the callback function can use to indicate that the operation was terminated by the user.


typedef struct KcsCharacterizationData_s {
      KcsMeasurementBase          aBase;
      union {                    /* Place holder */
            long pad;
      } oBase;
      union {
           KcsMeasurementSample      patch[KcsExtendableArray];
      } val;
 } KcsCharacterizationData;

KcsUpdateProfile() uses data in KcsCharacterizationData to recharacterize a profile. Note that monitor device profiles do not require a KcsCharacterizationData structure to be recalibrated by the default KCMS CMM, because the profiles use white-point and colorants. However, scanner device profiles do require one. Another CMM may require that this structure be defined for updating a monitor profile.

The field descriptions for this structure are the same as those for KcsCalibrationData.


typedef enum {
      KcsSampleTypeEnd = KcsForceAlign
 } KcsColorSample;

KcsColorSample defines the sampleType field in KcsMeasurementSample. (For the format of the KcsMeasurementSample structure, see "KcsMeasurementSample".


typedef struct KcsComponent_s {
      char                    *addr;
      KcsSampleType           compType;
      unsigned long           compDepth;
      long                    bitOffset;
      long                    rowOffset;
      long                    colOffset;
      unsigned long           maxRow;
      unsigned long           maxCol;
      double                  rangeStart;
      double                  rangeEnd;
 } KcsComponent;

KcsComponent describes the data structure used in KcsPixelLayout for a channel or component of color. There is one KcsComponent for each channel. For example, three of these structures are required to describe RGB data; four are required to describe CMYK data.

The addr field defines the actual memory address of the first pixel of the channel or component.

The compType field defines the data type of a channel. For example, given RGB data in which each of the 3 channels of the input data is represented as an unsigned 8-bit number, your application specifies KcsCompUFixed with a component depth of 8.

The compDepth field specifies the number of bits used to represent the component. With respect to memory layout, neither the range of values represented nor the data encoding is relevant. The memory layout determines how the data is accessed. Interpreting the data is a higher-level operation.

The bitOffset field, if set to 0, signifies that the component is byte-aligned. If it is not set to 0, non-byte-based components are described. This allows, for example, a 5-5-5 RGB pixel encoding (that is, 5 bits for each channel).

The rowOffset field is the offset between the beginning of a component for one pixel and the beginning of the same component for the pixel in the same column of the next row. It is expressed in units of bits or, if compDepth is a multiple of 8, in bytes.

Similarly, the colOffset field is the offset between the beginning of a component for one pixel and the beginning of the same component for the pixel in the next column of the same row. The pixels need not be contiguous in memory. The offset is expressed in units of bits or, if compDepth is a multiple of 8, in bytes.

The maxRow and maxCol fields specify the number of rows and columns to process. If your application wants to apply the profile to the entire bitmap, it must specify the number of rows and columns (y-size and x-size) of the entire bitmap.

The rangeStart and rangeEnd fields specify values representing minimum and maximum intensities.

See "KcsPixelLayout" and Figure 3-1 for more information on how component data is stored in memory.


typedef struct KcsCreationDesc_s {
      KcsCreationType                          type;
      KcsProfileDesc                           KCS_PTR profileDesc;
      union {
                struct id_f {
                     KcsIdent                  cmmId;
                     KcsIdent                  cmmVersionId;
                     KcsIdent                  profileId;
                     KcsIdent                  profileVersionId;
                } id;
                long pad[4];                   /* maximum size of union */
      } desc;
 } KcsCreationDesc;

This structure is used as an argument to the KcsCreateProfile() function. It contains all of the necessary information to describe the CMM and the profile format used when creating the empty profile and the location of that profile.

type indicates which member of the desc union your application must use to create the profile. This union is intended to be extendible for future use.

profileDesc is a pointer to a KcsProfileDesc structure describing the source from which the profile is created. If this entry is NULL, the profile is created internally and a KcsProfileDesc must be supplied to save the profile to an external store.

The members of the id structure are all 4-byte signatures that specify the identification (cmmId) and version (cmmVersionId) of the CMM to be used. The members also specify the identification (profileId) and version (profileVersionId) of profile format to be used.

If the id structure field members are not available or are set to 0, the default profile format and default CMM are used.


typedef enum {
      KcsIdentifierSpec                        = 0x49640000, /* Id */
      KcsCreationTypeEnd                       = 0x7FFFFFFF,
      KcsCreationTypeMax                       = KcsForceAlign
 } KcsCreationType

This enumerated type is used to indicate which member of the KcsCreationDesc union to use in creating a profile.


typedef struct KcsErrDesc_s {
      KcsStatusId              statId;
      long                     sysErrNo;
      char                     desc[256];               
 } KcsErrDesc;

KcsErrDesc contains useful information about an error.

The statId field contains the KcsStatusId. If the error was an I/O error, the sysErrNo field of KcsErrDesc contains the error number returned by the operating system. The desc field contains the description for the particular statId, for example, "Internal Color Processor Error." or "No description for this status id number."


typedef long KcsEvalSpeed;

KcsEvalSpeed is a metric in KcsPixelLayoutSpeeds that estimates how fast a CMM performs evaluations for a particular pixel layout on a standard machine for the given platform. The metric is measured in pixels per second, where a pixel is comprised of all channels of data. For example, a pixel is 24 bits for an 8-bit RGB and 32 bits for an 8-bit CMYK.


typedef int KcsFileId;

KcsFileId is a field of the KcsProfileDesc data structure (see "KcsProfileDesc"). It identifies an open file to read with KcsLoadProfile(), or to write with KcsSaveProfile().

To get a KcsFileId, your application can use the open(2)() system call.

If the load hints specify anything other than KcsLoadNow, or if your application intends to save the profile, the file associated with KcsFileId must be left open.


typedef unsigned long KcsFunction;

KcsFunction is the data type of one argument in the signature of a callback function ("KcsCallbackFunction") and a data type of one argument in KcsSetCallback(). A variable of this data type indicates the function currently executing.

The bits in this integer have particular meanings, as listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 KcsFunction Bit Constants



#define KcsEvalFunc               (1<<0)
#define KcsFreeFunc               (1<<1)
#define KcsGetAttrFunc            (1<<2)
#define KcsLoadFunc               (1<<3)
#define KcsConnectFunc            (1<<4)
#define KcsOptFunc                (1<<5)

#define KcsModLoadHintsFunc       (1<<6)
#define KcsSaveFunc               (1<<7)
#define KcsSetAttrFunc            (1<<8)

#define KcsUpdateFunc             (1<<9)

#define KcsCreateFunc             (1<<10)
#define KcsAllFunc                (0xFFFFFFFF)

All Function Calls 


typedef long KcsIdent;

KcsIdent is a type used throughout the "C" API. A KcsIdent variable holds identifiers and version numbers used by the KCMS framework and CMMs. It is typically encoded as 4 bytes in the readable ASCII range. For example, a KCMS CMM might be identified by 0x4B434D53 (a long) or KCMS (a char). This is identical to the ICC typedef icSig defined in the icc.h header file.


typedef unsigned long KcsLoadHints;

KcsLoadHints is a data type of one argument in the following functions:

KcsLoadHints gives the KCMS framework a hint as to how a profile's allocated resources should be managed. It lets the caller supply information to the KCMS framework about what, how, when, and where to load and unload the profile. It consists of a set of bit definitions that allow the application to supply more than one option. KcsLoadHints also lets the application mix the operation hints and content hints for greater flexibility.

Table 3-2 shows the bits positions (31-0) of an unsigned long representing KcsLoadHints and KcsOperationType. See Table 3-3 for more information on the bit mask values.

Table 3-2 Bit Positions and Masks for Load Hints

Load Hint 

Bit Position 

Bit Mask 













HeapSys (1) / HeapApp (0) 

































LoadNow(1) / LoadNever (0) 



















Table 3-3 lists the values for the load hint bit masks.

Table 3-3 Bit Mask Values for Load Hints

Load Hint Bit Masks 



#define KcsOpForward (0x00000001)
#define KcsOpReverse (0x00000002)
#define KcsOpSimulate (0x00000004)
#define KcsOpGamutTest (0x00000008)
#define KcsOpAll (0x000003FF)

See "Operation Hint Constants".

#define KcsEffect (0x00000200)


#define KcsHeapApp (0)
#define KcsHeapSys (0x00000400)

Load it into application heap. 

Load it into system heap. 

#define KcsAttributes (0x00000800)

Load attributes. 

#define KcsUnloadNow (0x00001000)
#define KcsUnloadWhenFreed (0x00002000)
#define KcsUnloadWhenNeeded (0x00004000)
#define KcsUnloadAfterUse (0x00008000)

Unload it now. 

Unload it during a call to KcsFreeProfile().

Unload it when the CMM needs the memory for something else. 

Unload it just after the CMM needs to reference it. 

#define KcsContUnknown (0x00000000)
#define KcsContGraphics (0x00010000)
#define KcsContImage (0x00020000)
#define KcsContColorimetric (0x00040000)
#define KcsContAll (0x00FF0000)

See "Content Hint Constants".

#define KcsLoadNever (0x00000000)
#define KcsLoadNow (0x01000000)
#define KcsLoadWhenNeeded (0x02000000)

#define KcsLoadWhenIdle (0x04000000)

Never load it. 

Load it now. 

Load it just before CMM needs to reference it. 

Load it when the system has a free moment. 

#define KcsStartOverWithThis (0x10000000)
#define KcsAddToCurrentHints (0x00000000)

Get rid of the previous Hints and start with this one. 

Logically add this Hint with the others already set. 

Example 3-3 shows some combinations of the masks.

Example 3-3 Load Hint Bit Mask Combinations

#define KcsLoadAllNow
 #define KcsLoadAllWhenNeeded
 #define KcsLoadAttributesNow
 #define KcsLoadMinimalMemory
 #define KcsPurgeMemoryNow

Typically you might use two of these bit mask combinations: KcsLoadAttributesNow and KcsLoadAllNow. KcsLoadAttributesNow loads the profile attributes only. KcsLoadAllNow loads the entire profile (header, attributes, and operations that can be performed on CCPs to transform color data).

Operation Hint Constants

Four operation hint constants describe the operations in Table 3-2 that can be performed on CCPs to transform color data (are also referred to as transforms). These are

Operations Performed

Ordinarily, an application transforms data in the forward direction, for example, from a scanner to a printer. Your application can specify KcsOpForward to achieve this.

Your application also may be able to convert the data in the reverse direction, for example, from a monitor to a scanner. To do this, it specifies KcsOpReverse. The reverse direction can be useful if, for instance, you are given colors in the monitor device color space and you want to transform the data back to the original scanner color space.

KcsOpSimulate lets your application simulate the effect of running data through a complete profile, but leaves it in the color space of the last device profile in the connected sequence of profiles. For instance, suppose you have a CCP consisting of scanner => printer => monitor profiles. Your application can use the CCP with the simulate operation on monitor data to produce monitor data that simulates the result of printing the data. For this to work, it must have connected a destination device to a source => destination combination. In this situation, the scanner is the source device, the printer is the first destination device, and the monitor is the connected destination device.

Note -

A typical color monitor can display colors that a printer cannot print. Similarly, many printers are capable of printing colors that cannot be displayed on a color monitor. KcsOpSimulate lets users preview what a graphic or image will look like (approximately) when printed.

KcsOpGamutTest lets your application determine if each source color is in the gamut of the destination device. The resulting image contains 0 for a pixel with in-gamut color and FF for a pixel with out-of-gamut color.

Constraints When Using Operation Hints

Because of constraints in the CMM or in the specific profile, not all of the above operations may be supported. Also, some CMMs may offer additional custom operations. Your application can use KcsGetAttribute() and supply the KcsAttrSupportedOperations attribute to determine which operations are supported by a given profile.

Specifying any single or combination of operation load hints to the KcsLoadProfile() function has no effect. KCMS equates this to KcsOpAll. When the application calls KcsConnectProfiles(), KCMS automatically loads all the transforms to support the full range of operations.

Your application cannot specify KcsOpAll as an argument to KcsEvaluate().

Content Hint Constants

The content hint constants let your application specify hints about what kind of data is being processed. A CMM can use these hints to better convert the data as your application requests. For instance, these hints may be used to adjust the gamut-mapping technique (the approach used to map the colors falling outside a device's capability to colors that the device can produce).

The "C" API defines the following constants:

Note -

ICC content hints are called rendering hints. Currently, the following rendering hints defined are:

icPerceptual = KcsContImage  
icRelativeColorimetric = KcsContColormetric  
icSaturation = KcsContGraphics  
icAbsoluteColorimetric = <no equivalent>

If your application has input color data that matches more than one of these content hints (for example, a complicated page layout), it can specify KcsContUnknown to produce adequate results. For best results, your application may have to divide color data into different parts (for example, separate graphics and images parts). After dividing, your application can process each part separately, applying the appropriate content hint to each part.

If your application specifies KcsContAll as an argument to KcsConnectProfiles(), the resultant profile has the full range of content hints available to it. If it does not, the resultant profile is restricted to the content hints supplied by the function.

CMMs can define additional custom content hints, for example:


typedef struct KcsMeasurementBase_s {
      unsigned long                   countSupplied;
      KcsAttrSpace                    inputSpace;
      KcsAttrSpace                    outputSpace;
      unsigned long                   numInComp;
      unsigned long                   numOutComp;
      unsigned long                   pad;
 } KcsMeasurementBase;

KcsMeasurementBase defines a common subset of information in the KcsCharacterizationData and KcsCalibrationData structures. Nothing in KcsMeasurementBase is extendable.

The countSupplied field represents the number of allocated color patches, or samples in the measurement set.

The inputSpace and outputSpace fields represent the input and output color spaces, respectively, for the measurement set.

The numInComp and numOutComp fields represent the number of input components (such as 3 for RGB) and the number of output components, respectively.


typedef struct KcsMeasurementSample_s {
      float                        weight;
      float                        standardDeviation;
      KcsColorSample               sampleType;
      float                        input[KcsMaxSamples];
      float                        output[KcsMaxSamples];
 } KcsMeasurementSample;

KcsMeasurementSample holds a single measurement. Both the KcsCalibrationData and the KcsCharacterization data structures contain extendable arrays of KcsMeasurementSample structures. Each measurement has an input, an output, a measurement weight, standard deviation and sample type. The input and output color spaces are specified by fields in the KcsMeasurementBase structure, which is part of both the KcsCalibration and KcsCharacterization structures.

The weight field should contain a value greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0. This is to provide information about the importance of this color measurement. The KcsUpdateProfile() function may or may not use this field when performing the steps needed to update the profile. Hence, it is to be considered a hint. The default setting should be the value 1.0.

The standardDeviation field is used to record this value when the sample is the result of statistical averaging of multiple measurements.

The sampleType field is used to indicate that a sample is from a black, white, neutral, chromatic, or fluorescent color. The default value is chromatic.

To calibrate or characterize device profiles, the default KCMS CMM needs color measurements that contain both input and output values. The input and output fields hold the input and output values of a color measurement. For RGB monitors, the input values are a series of RGB values and the output values are measured luminants of the RGB value.

KcsMaxSamples equals 4, which allows up to four components of color to be stored in a measurement, for example, a CMYK color value. However, a three-component color value such as RGB or XYZ also can be stored. In such a case leave input[3] or output[3] undefined.


typedef unsigned long KcsOperationType;

KcsOperationType specifies the set of operations possible on a profile and the contents of the data on which the profile acts. It is an argument in these functions:

When used in KcsConnectProfiles() and KcsOptimizeProfile(), KcsOperationType limits the range of operations in a profile, thereby potentially speeding performance and reducing profile size. The operation hints and content hints are assigned positions in the load hints that let the application limit what resources are used from the initial loading of the profile.

When used in KcsEvaluate(), KcsOperationType indicates which kind of evaluation operation to perform. In this case, the operation type can specify only one operation; for example, your application cannot evaluate in the forward and simulate directions at the same time.

To help your application set the operation hints and content hints, the "C" API provides the following constants:

 #define KcsOpForward                (0x00000001)
 #define KcsOpReverse                (0x00000002)
 #define KcsOpSimulate               (0x00000004)
 #define KcsOpGamutTest              (0x00000008)
 #define KcsOpAll                    (0x000003FF)
 #define KcsContUnknown              (0x00000000)
 #define KcsContGraphics             (0x00010000)
 #define KcsContImage                (0x00020000)
 #define KcsContColorimetric         (0x00040000)
 #define KcsContAll                  (0x00FF0000)


typedef unsigned long KcsOptimizationType;

KcsOptimizationType is the data type of 1 of the arguments to the KcsOptimizeProfile() function.

KcsOptimizationType indicates the types of optimization that should be performed on a profile. It can have any of the following values, alone or in combination. Note that these are only hints.

 #define KcsOptNone                                   (0)
 #define KcsOptAccuracy                               (1<<0)
 #define KcsOptSpeed                                  (1<<1)
 #define KcsOptSize                                   (1<<2)


typedef struct KcsPixelLayout_s {
      unsigned long                   numbOfComp;
      KcsComponent                    component[KcsExtendablePixelLayout];
 } KcsPixelLayout;

The KcsPixelLayout structure describes both the source data buffer (the layout of the data to be converted) and the destination data buffer (the receptacle of the converted data) used by KcsEvaluate().

KcsPixelLayout describes a wide variety of pixel layouts in memory including:

KcsPixelLayout can also hold palette color, or a colormap by allowing the application to describe the palette instead of the data itself, as well as allowing the application to describe a single pixel.

If an application stores its image data in a form that is not representable using the KcsPixelLayout structure, the application must convert the data into one of the representable forms before calling the KcsEvaluate() function.

The numbOfComp field specifies the number of components (channels). For example, your application specifies the value 3 for RGB data or 4 for CMYK data.

The component field is an array of base type KcsComponent. It holds the information needed to describe a component (see "KcsComponent" for more information). The KcsExtendableArray constant equals 4 by default. For ease of use, 4 was chosen because it can accommodate most applications, such as CMYK and RGB. It holds the upper limit. Having the open-ended array at the end of the structure allows your application to allocate a larger structure and to extend it past 4, if needed.

Use the following definitions to index the array:

#define KcsRGB_R                         0
#define KcsRGB_G                         1
#define KcsRGB_B                         2
#define KcsCMYK_C                        0
#define KcsCMYK_M                        1
#define KcsCMYK_Y                        2
#define KcsCMYK_K                        3
#define KcsYCbC_Y                        0
#define KcsYCbC_Cb                       1
#define KcsYCbC_Cy                       2
#define KcsCIEXYZ_X                      0
#define KcsCIEXYZ_Y                      1
#define KcsCIEXYZ_Z                      2
#define KcsCIExyY_x                      1
#define KcsCIExyY_y                      2
#define KcsCIExyY_Y                      0
#define KcsCIEuvL_u                      1
#define KcsCIEuvL_v                      2
#define KcsCIEuvL_L                      0
#define KcsCIELuv_L                      0
#define KcsCIELuv_u                      1
#define KcsCIELuv_v                      2
#define KcsCIELab_L                      0
#define KcsCIELab_a                      1
#define KcsCIELab_b                      2
#define KcsHSV_H                         0
#define KcsHSV_S                         1
#define KcsHSV_V                         2
#define KcsHSV_H                         0
#define KcsHSV_L                         1
#define KcsHSV_S                         2
#define KcsGRAY_K                        0

Note -

A color space profile (CSP) must exist to support each color space listed above. See "Color Space Profile" for a description of a CSP.

Two structures of type KcsPixelLayout are needed to describe the source data and destination data. Source and destination structures can point to the same data. If the CMM in use does not support this, or if there is some other mismatch between the CMM and the layout structures, KcsEvaluate() returns KCS_LAYOUT_UNSUPPORTED. For example, a CMM may not be able to support the way the source data and the destination data overlap in memory.

Your application can use a pixel layout structure to define any rectangular region of a larger image. Example 3-4 and Figure 3-1 illustrate the component-interleaved, 3-by-7 pixel layout supported in the API.

Example 3-4 uses pseudo-code to show how the pixel layout structure fields are set up.

Example 3-4 Component-Interleaved, 3-by-7 Layout

      numberOfComponents = 3 (Red, Green, and Blue)
      component[KcsRGB_R].compType = KcsCompUFixed
      component[KcsRGB_R].compDepth = 8 (bits per component)
      component[KcsRGB_R].colOffset = 4 (bytes)
      component[KcsRGB_R].rowOffset = 12 (bytes)
      component[KcsRGB_R].maxRow = 7 (pixels)
      component[KcsRGB_R].maxCol = 3 (pixels)
      component[KcsRGB_R].bitOffset = 0 (components are byte-aligned)
      component[KcsRGB_R].addr = (address of red channel)

      component[KcsRGB_G].compType = KcsCompUFixed
      component[KcsRGB_G].compDepth = 8 (bits per component)
      component[KcsRGB_G].colOffset = 4 (bytes)
      component[KcsRGB_G].rowOffset = 12 (bytes)
      component[KcsRGB_G].maxRow = 7 (pixels)
      component[KcsRGB_G].maxCol = 3 (pixels)
      component[KcsRGB_G].bitOffset = 0 (components are byte-aligned)
      component[KcsRGB_G].addr = (address of green channel)

      component[KcsRGB_B].compType = KcsCompUFixed
      component[KcsRGB_B].compDepth = 8 (bits per component)
      component[KcsRGB_B].colOffset = 4 (bytes)
      component[KcsRGB_B].rowOffset = 12 (bytes)
      component[KcsRGB_B].maxRow = 7 (pixels)
      component[KcsRGB_B].maxCol = 3 (pixels)
      component[KcsRGB_B].bitOffset = 0 (components are byte-aligned
      component[KcsRGB_B].addr = (address of blue channel)

Figure 3-1 24-bit Color Component-Interleaved Data for RGB Pixel Image



typedef struct KcsPixelLayoutSpeeds_s {
      KcsPixelLayout                    supportedLayout;
      KcsEvalSpeed                    speed;

KcsPixelLayoutSpeeds, used in the KcsAttributeValue structure, defines the relationship between a CMM's support of a pixel layout and how efficiently it uses that layout. Some CMMs are optimized for certain layouts. This allows the application to maximize a CMM's performance based on the information returned by KcsPixelLayoutSpeeds.


typedef struct KcsProfileDesc_s {
      KcsProfileType                   type;
      union {
           struct file_f {
                long               offset;         /* Offset into the file */
                KcsFileId          openFileId;     /* File descriptor */
           } file;
           struct memPtr_f {
                void               *memPtr;        /* Pointer to start of memory */
                long               offset;         /* Offset to the profile */
                long               size;           /* Size of the profile */
           } memPtr;
           struct solarisFile_f {
                char               *fileName;      /* Name of the file */
                char               *hostName;      /* Host name */
                int                oflag;          /* How to open it, see open(2) */
                mode_t             mode;           /* This is a u_long, see open(2) */
           } solarisFile;
           struct xWindow_f {
                Display            *dpy;           /* Display pointer */
                int                screen;         /* Screen number */
                Visual             *visual;        /* Pointer to windows visual */
                long               reserved;       /* Reserved for KCMS internal use */
           } xwin;
           long pad[4];                            /* Maximum size of union */
      } desc;
 } KcsProfileDesc;

KcsProfileDesc is a data structure that describes a profile and the kind of mechanism in which to load and save that profile. The mechanism is platform independent. A profile can reside in the file system, on a remote network device, in a piece of hardware or its device driver, in a contiguous piece of memory, and so on. KcsProfileDesc is a union to minimize space and to allow for future flexibility. Thus, the actual definition can be augmented to provide additional locations where a profile may reside in the system.

The types of profiles supported by each type are summarized below. See "KcsProfileType" for more information on these profiles.


The calling application opens the file and passes the KCMS framework a KcsFileId, openFileId, and an offset from the start of the file to the start of the profile data. This profile type is most likely used for profiles embedded in other files, such as TIFF.


The calling application has loaded the profile into program memory. The offset value determines where the profile data starts relative to memPtr. The size value is the profile's size in bytes.


The calling application supplies the name of a file, fileName, and its location, hostName. The KcsSolarisProfile loadable module searches for the name supplied in fileName. It searches the following directories in the order listed:

  1. The current directory

  2. Directories listed by the KCMS_PROFILES environment variable, which is a colon-separated list of directories

  3. /etc/openwin/devdata/profiles

  4. /usr/openwin/etc/devdata/profiles

If hostName is non-NULL, the KcsSolarisProfile loadable module first checks if the name supplied is the name of the current machine. If it is not the the current machine's name, the KcsSolarisProfile loadable module opens a connection to the RPC daemon, kcms_server(1)() and tries to locate the profile on a remote machine. The RPC daemon searches only in the last two directories for the profile (#3 and #4), and only reads remote profiles.

The application does not need to supply the full name of the file; the KcsSolarisProfile loadable module automatically adds the following suffixes.




Color space 


Input (scanner) 


Output (printer) 


The calling application supplies X11 Window System information and then the KcsWindowProfile loadable module matches a corresponding profile with the Display*, screen number, and Visual*.

Remote display capabilities are handled using the RPC daemon kcms_server(1)(). The location and name of the host is derived from the X11 display pointer. Remote profiles have read-only permissions.


typedef long KcsProfileId;

KcsProfileId is a data type used in all API functions, except KcsSetCallback(). A KcsProfileId variable identifies a particular loaded profile in the KCMS framework. It is an opaque data type. Your application should not manipulate this variable directly, because the results of doing so are unpredictable. The KcsLoadProfile() and KcsConnectProfile() functions return a KcsProfileId.


typedef enum {
     KcsFileProfile                         = 0x46696C65,     /* File */
     KcsMemoryProfile                       = 0x4D426C00,     /* MBl */
     KcsWindowProfile                       = 0x7877696E,     /* xwin */
     KcsSolarisProfile                      = 0x736F6C66,     /* solf */
     KcsWindowProfile                       = 0x57696E64,     /* Wind */
     KcsProfileTypeEnd                      = 0x7FFFFFFF,
     KcsProfileTypeMax                      = KcsForceAlign
 } KcsProfileType;

Each KcsProfileType entry is a 4-byte hexadecimal value that is translated into a 4-byte ASCII string. This string is used as a key to determine which KCMS CMM module to use when loading or saving the profile into KCMS.

KcsFileProfile and KcsMemoryProfile are always included with KCMS. KcsSolarisProfile and KcsWindowProfile are dynamically loaded when needed.

See "KcsProfileDesc" for details on using each type.

The type of color measurements depends on the specific device type. The default KCMS CMM supports scanner and monitor profile updates. For each of these devices, the color measurements are different. See Chapter 4, Functions for a complete specification of the measurements passed to KcsUpdateProfile() for each device type.


typedef unsigned long KcsSampleType;

KcsSampleType is the data type of a field in the KcsComponent structure. It is an enumerated constant with any of the values shown in Table 3-4. A variable of type KcsSampleType holds the data type of samples of each color channel.

The "C" API uses the KcsSampleType value with the compDepth field of KcsComponent. The compDepth field specifies the number of bits for each channel. For example, an RGB color space has three channels. If each represents its color in 8 fixed-point bits, the value of KcsSampleType is KcsCompUFixed.

Table 3-4 KcsSampleType Constants

Enumerated Constant 

Data Type of Channel 

#define KcsCompFixed 1

Signed fixed-point sample 

#define KcsCompUFixed 2

Unsigned fixed-point sample 

#define KcsCompFloat 3

Floating point 

#define KcsCompName 4

A named color space component 


Every function in the "C" API returns a status code that indicates success or the reason for failure. A status code is an error or warning message. The KcsStatusId enumerated type is a list of all available status codes. KcsStatusId is defined in kcsstats.h.

See Chapter 6, Warning and Error Messages, for a complete list of all the enumerated constants and their meanings.