KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

Runtime Derivation Coding Requirements

This section describes what you need to do in the code of each of your CMM derivatives so that the derivative can be executed at runtime.

Runtime Derivation Code Examples

For code examples showing how to use the wrapper functions and entry points described in the sections below, see the chapter describing that derived class. The chapters are:

In addition, see the sample programs in /opt/SUNWddk/kcms/src. The directory contains brief sample programs that illustrate all the coding requirements described in this section.

Wrapper Functions

To allocate an object at runtime, you use wrapper functions. Wrapper functions are implemented in C and perform a C++-to-C conversion. The allocation routines return a pointer to the base class object that indicates to the C++ compiler what is returned, but not the definitions. As in typical C, you can reference symbols in a sharable library because the functions are defined as extern C {}.

These functions are written in C++ and call new() (or its equivalent alternative). Since the shareable object code has all of the header information from the base class, the derivative is constructed properly and has the same structure as statically-linked code.

External Entry Points

You need to provide the KCMS framework with an external entry point to load each of your derivatives as an executable. The symbols are loaded and the derivative is called by the framework to access your derivative's functionality.

The types of entry points for a runtime derivative are:

In the paragraphs that follow, XXXX refers to the base class identifier from which it is being derived. XXXX can only have the following values:


For each runtime derivative, you must supply a C-based variable and an external entry point. Respectively, these are:

Note -

The KcsDLOpenStatusCount()variable is the only requirement for extending the KcsStatus class.


extern long KcsDLOpenXXXXCount();

KcsDLOpenXXXXCount() is the number of times the shareable object was opened. It is equivalent to the number of times the shareable object is being shared. The CMM should not set this variable. It is controlled by the KCMS framework.


KcsXXXX *KcsCreateXXXX(KcsStatus *, XXXX creationargs);

KcsCreateXXXX() is one of possibly many creation entry points. This entry point maps directly to the static createXXXX() methods of the base class from which it is being derived. The arguments following KcsStatus * are specific to the base class and are described in the appropriate class chapter. See the chapters describing the KcsIO, KcsProfile, KcsProfileFormat, and KcsXform classes (Chapter 4, KcsIO Derivative through Chapter 7, KcsXform Derivative respectively). The CMM must support all declared createXXXX() methods; otherwise, applications receive CMM errors from calls to load().


Runtime derivatives can supply the following external entry points:

Note -

It is highly recommended that you use the KcsInitXXXX() entry point to verify the version of the versions so that your CMM can use the profile data properly.


KcsStatus KcsInitXXXX(long libMajor, long libMinor,
          long *myMajor, long *myMinor);

If you supply the KcsInitXXXX() entry point, the KCMS framework calls it when the shareable object is loaded for the first time. This initializes and derives private allocations before any creation method is called. KcsInitXXXX() checks for minor version numbering. See "Configuration Requirements" for more information.


KcsStatus KcsCleanupXXXX();

If you supply the KcsCleanupXXXX() entry point, the KCMS framework calls it when the shareable object is unloaded for the last time (when KcsDLOpen XXXXCount = 0). This cleans up shareable objects when they are no longer needed.

Base-Class Specific

Each base class also provides additional necessary and optional entry points. See the chapters describing the KcsIO, KcsProfile, KcsProfileFormat, and KcsXform classes (Chapter 4, KcsIO Derivative through Chapter 7, KcsXform Derivative respectively), for detailed explanations.


You instantiate KCMS framework objects or any runtime derivations of that object with the following methods:


You allocate an object with the createXXXX() method. This method combines sharing of the object with runtime derivative support. With chunk set-based objects, this function searches for a match through allocated objects. If it finds a match, it attaches to that object and returns its address. If it does not find a match or the object is not chunk set based, it searches for a match through objects in the runtime-loadable object files.

To maximize the runtime nature of the KCMS framework, it is recommended that you use the createXXXX() method whenever possible within your CMM derivative. It enables derivatives statically linked into an application or included directly in the KCMS framework's shared object libraries (such as, libkcs) to use the correct and latest version of your CMM derivative.

Note that the KcsStatus class extension is an exception to this recommendation. It passes back a status string rather than a pointer to a derivative, and only two C functions are written.


You use the attach() method to share an object. If an object already exists, it can be shared in memory with this method. You can share the object with other users of that object. Any changes in the object are applied to objects that share it. If you share an object, make sure that object does not change while your derivative is attached to it.


To get a new object of a specified type or a KCMS framework derivative, you use the new() method. This allows a runtime derivative to actually override a built-in type after it has been released.

Initialization and Cleanup

The KcsLoadable class loads a runtime derivative's binaries when a create() method is used. It generates the shared object's configuration file keywords based on class, derivative, and version identifiers. It retrieves the module name and loads the library. See "Creating OWconfig File Entries" for further information.

The KcsLoadable class then locates the KcsDLOpenXXXXCount() variable. If KcsDLOpenXXXX()Count = 0, it locates and loads the KcsInitXXXX() entry point and, if available, calls it. Then the KcsCreateXXXX() entry point is located and loaded. If everything is successful, the KcsCreateXXXX()entry point is called.

When the last of a specific derivative type is deallocated and the KcsCleanupXXXX() entry point is available, it is located, loaded, and called.