KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

External Entry Points

The KCMS framework uses external entry points to load your derivative as an executable. The mandatory and optional entry points are described.


When you derive from a KcsIO class, the mandatory external entry points are:

extern long KcsDLOpenIOCount; 
KcsIO *KcsCreateIO(KcsStatus *aStat,
      const KcsProfileDesc *aDesc);

The KcsCreateIO() method creates an instance of a KcsIO derivative. The instance is determined by aDesc->type, which contains the derivative portion of the class identifier (see "Creating OWconfig File Entries").


When you derive from a KcsIO class, the optional external entry points are:

KcsStatusId KcsInitIO(); 
KcsStatusId KcsCleanupIO();


The following example shows you how to use the entry points when creating a KcsIO derivative.

Example 4-1 KcsIO Class Entry Points Example

/* External loadable interface */ 
extern "C"
     extern long          KcsDLOpenIOCount;
     KcsStatus            KcsInitIO();
     KcsIO                *KcsCreateIO(KcsStatus *aStatus, 
                              const KcsProfileDesc *aDesc);
     KcsStatus            KcsCleanupIO(); 
//Loadable stuff 
//external DL open count to support runtime derivation 
extern long KcsDLOpenIOCount = 0; 

/* Runtime derivable routine */ 
KcsIO *
KcsCreateIO(KcsStatus *aStat, const KcsProfileDesc *Desc) 
     //Create the new derivative
     return(new KcsSolarisFile(aStat,
        aDesc->desc.solarisFile.fileName, aDesc->desc.solarisFile.hostName,
        aDesc->desc.solarisFile.oflag, aDesc->desc.solarisFile.mode);

KcsInitIO(long libMajor, long libMinor, long *myMajor, long *myMinor)
     // Set up the return values
     *myMajor = KCS_MAJOR_VERSION;
     *myMinor = KCS_MINOR_VERSION;

     //Check the major version
     if (libMajor != KCS_MAJOR_VERSION)

     //Currently, if minor version of library is less than the KCMS
     // minor version, return an error.
     if (libMinor != KCS_MINOR_VERSION)

     //Library guarantees if your minor version number is greater than
     //KCMS minor version number, it will handle it. No more init.

KcsStatus KcsCleanupIO() 
     /* Clean up is performed in the destructor */
     return (KCS_SUCCESS);