KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

Naming and Installing Profiles

Any profile you want to include in the KCMS library must be named according to specified conventions to avoid name clashes and promote portability. The paragraphs below explain how to name and install your profile so that it can be automatically used in the KCMS framework.

Naming Profiles

The KCMS profile name is a filename with the following naming convention:

<CMM ID><stock symbol><device>.<type>

Table 2-5 describes the fields in the profile filename:

Table 2-5 Profile Filename Description

Profile Filename Field 



A mnemonic. Solaris-supplied profiles use kcms as the CMM ID. Choose your own mnemonic for profiles you create.

stock symbol 

Short mnemonic used by the stock market for your company or a unique identifier. 


Unique string identifying the device or color space. See Table A-1 for devices supported by Solaris.


ICC profile format standard filename suffixes. See Table 2-6.

Profile Filename Suffixes

Table 2-6 describes the various filename suffixes for profiles for the Solaris environment.

Table 2-6 Profile Filename Suffixes

Filename Suffix (type)



Input devices (scanners, digital cameras and Photo CDs) 


Display devices (CRTs and LCDs) 


Output devices such as printers 


Color space conversion transformations 


Device link transformations 


Abstract transformations for special color effects

Installing Profiles

If you use the file type KcsSolarisFile in the KcsLoadProfile() function, you must install profiles where the KCMS framework can locate them. The KCMS framework searches for profiles in the following directories in the order listed below:

  1. Local current directory

    Typically a CMM creates profiles in the directory in which it is being run.

  2. Directories specified by the KCMS_PROFILES environment variable

    KCMS_PROFILES is a colon-separated list of directory paths to profiles. You can set this variable on a per-user or work-group basis. You may want to use this variable to set the path to temporary profiles your CMM creates.

  3. /etc/openwin/devdata/profiles

    This directory contains the local or machine-specific copies of configured profiles, for example, X Window System visual profiles.

  4. /usr/openwin/etc/devdata/profiles

    This directory always contains read-only files.

Note -

All profiles for distribution (whether you create them or they are supplied with the Solaris operating system) should be written as superuser and read only to protect them from being overwritten.

Note -

If you use the file type KcsFile in the KcsLoadProfile() function, when the application opens the profile, you can name it anything you want.

Supported Devices

For a list of the devices supported by the KCMS framework, see Appendix A, Supported Devices.