ONC+ Developer's Guide

Example of client connection closure callback

This example implements a message log server. A client can use this server to open a log (actually a text file), to store message log, and then to close the log.

The log.x file describes the log program interface.

enum log_severity { LOG_EMERG=0, LOG_ALERT=1, LOG_CRIT=2, LOG_ERR=3,

program LOG { 
			  version LOG_VERS1 {
						  int OPENLOG(string ident) = 1;

						  int CLOSELOG(int logID) = 2;

						  oneway WRITELOG(int logID, log_severity severity,
				string message) = 3;
			  } = 1;
} = 0x20001971;

The two procedures OPENLOG and CLOSELOG open and close a log that is specified by its logID. The WRITELOG() procedure, declared as oneway for the example, logs a message in an opened log. A log message contains a severity attribute, and a text message.

This is the makefile for the log server. Use this makefile to call the log.x file.

RPCGEN = rpcgen

CLIENT = logClient
CLIENT_SRC = logClient.c log_clnt.c log_xdr.c

SERVER = logServer
SERVER_SRC = logServer.c log_svc.c log_xdr.c

RPCGEN_FILES = log_clnt.c log_svc.c log_xdr.c log.h


LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl

all: log.h ./$(CLIENT) ./$(SERVER)

$(CLIENT): log.h $(CLIENT_OBJ)
			  cc -o $(CLIENT) $(LIBS) $(CLIENT_OBJ)  

$(SERVER): log.h $(SERVER_OBJ) 
			  cc -o $(SERVER)  $(LIBS) $(SERVER_OBJ)  

$(RPCGEN_FILES): log.x
			  $(RPCGEN) $(RPCGEN_FLAGS) log.x


logServer.c shows the implementation of the log server. As the log server opens a file to store the log messages, it registers a closure connection callback in openlog_1_svc(). This callback is used to close the file descriptor even if the client program forgets to call the closelog() procedure (or crashes before doing so). This example demonstrates the use of the connection closure callback feature to free up resources associated to a client in an RPC server.

#include "log.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NR_LOGS 3

typedef struct {
    SVCXPRT* handle;
    FILE* filp;
    char* ident;
} logreg_t;

static logreg_t logreg[NR_LOGS];
static char* severityname[] = {"Emergency", "Alert", "Critical", "Error",
                               "Warning", "Notice", "Information"};

    static void
close_handler(const SVCXPRT* handle, const bool_t);

    static int
get_slot(SVCXPRT* handle)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < NR_LOGS; ++i) {
        if (handle == logreg[i].handle) return i;
    return -1;

    static FILE*
_openlog(char* logname)
 * Open a log file
    FILE* filp = fopen(logname, "a");
    time_t t;

    if (NULL == filp) return NULL;
    fprintf(filp, "Log opened at %s\n", ctime(&t));

    return filp;

    static void
_closelog(FILE* filp)
    time_t t;

    fprintf(filp, "Log close at %s\n", ctime(&t));
 	 * Close a log file
openlog_1_svc(char* ident, struct svc_req* req)
    int slot = get_slot(NULL);
    FILE* filp;
    static int res;
    time_t t;
    if (-1 != slot) {
        FILE* filp = _openlog(ident);
        if (NULL != filp) {
            logreg[slot].filp = filp;
            logreg[slot].handle = req->rq_xprt;
            logreg[slot].ident = strdup(ident);

 	 * When the client calls clnt_destroy, or when the 
 	 * client dies and clnt_destroy is called automatically, 
 	 * the server executes the close_handler callback
            if (!svc_control(req->rq_xprt, SVCSET_RECVERRHANDLER,
			     							(void*)close_handler)) {
						 puts("Server: Cannot register a connection closure callback");
    res = slot;
    return &res;

closelog_1_svc(int logid, struct svc_req* req)
    static int res;

    if ((logid >= NR_LOGS) || (logreg[logid].handle != req->rq_xprt)) {
        res = -1;
        return &res;
    logreg[logid].handle = NULL;
    res = 0;
    return &res;

 * When there is a request to write a message to the log, 
 * write_log_1_svc is called
writelog_1_svc(int logid, log_severity severity, char* message,
               struct svc_req* req)
    if ((logid >= NR_LOGS) || (logreg[logid].handle != req->rq_xprt)) {
        return NULL;
		 * Write message to file
    fprintf(logreg[logid].filp, "%s (%s): %s\n",
            logreg[logid].ident, severityname[severity], message);
    return NULL;

    static void
close_handler(const SVCXPRT* handle, const bool_t dummy)
    int i;
		 * When the client dies, the log is closed with closelog
    for (i = 0; i < NR_LOGS; ++i) {
        if (handle == logreg[i].handle) {
            logreg[i].handle = NULL;

The logClient.c file shows a client using the log server.

#include "log.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#define MSG_SIZE 128

    puts("Usage: logClient <logserver_addr>");

runClient(CLIENT* clnt)
    char msg[MSG_SIZE];
    int logID;
    int* result;
 	  * client opens a log
    result = openlog_1("client", clnt);
    if (NULL == result) {
        clnt_perror(clnt, "openlog");
    logID = *result;
    if (-1 == logID) {
        puts("Cannot open the log.");
    while(1) {
        struct rpc_err e;
		 	  * Client writes a message in the log
        puts("Enter a message in the log (\".\" to quit):");
        fgets(msg, MSG_SIZE, stdin);
				* Remove trailing CR 
        msg[strlen(msg)-1] = 0;
        if (!strcmp(msg, ".")) break;
        if (writelog_1(logID, LOG_INFO, msg, clnt) == NULL) {
            clnt_perror(clnt, "writelog");
		  * Client closes the log
    result = closelog_1(logID, clnt);
    if (NULL == result) {
        clnt_perror(clnt, "closelog");
    logID = *result;
    if (-1 == logID) {
        puts("Cannot close the log.");

main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char* serv_addr;
    CLIENT* clnt;
    if (argc != 2) usage();

    serv_addr = argv[1];

    clnt = clnt_create(serv_addr, LOG, LOG_VERS1, "tcp");

    if (NULL == clnt) {
        clnt_pcreateerror("Cannot connect to log server");
