System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

Removing NIS+ From a Client Machine

This section described how to remove NIS+ from a client machine. Keep in mind that removing NIS+ from a client machine does not remove the NIS+ name service from your network. See Removing the NIS+ Namespace for information on removing the NIS+ name service from a network and returning to either NIS or /etc files for name purposes.

Removing NIS+ That Was Installed Using nisclient

To remove NIS+ from a client machine that was set up as an NIS+ client using the nisclient -i script as described in Chapter 4, Configuring NIS+ With Scripts, run nisclient with the -r option:

client# nisclient -r

nisclient -r simply undoes the most recent iteration of nisclient -i; it restores the previous naming system used by the client, such as NIS or /etc files.

Removing NIS+ That Was Installed Using NIS+ Commands

To remove NIS+ from a client machine that was set up as an NIS+ client using the nisaddcred, domainname, and nisinit commands as described in Chapter 4, Configuring NIS+ With Scripts, perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the .rootkey file.

    client# rm -f /etc/.rootkey
  2. Locate and kill the keyserv, nis_cachemgr, and nscd processes.

    client# ps -ef | grep keyserv
     root 714 1 67 16:34:44 ? keyserv
    client# kill -9 714
    client# ps -ef | grep nis_cachemgr
     root 123 1 67 16:34:44 ? nis_cachemgr
    client# kill -9 123
    client# ps -ef | grep nscd
     root 707 1 67 16:34:44 ? nscd
    client# kill -9 707
  3. Remove the /var/nis directory and files.

    clientmachine# rm -rf /var/nis/*