System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

Phase I-Set Up the NIS+ Namespace

Set up the namespace with full DES authentication, even if the domains will operate in NIS-compatibility mode. Use the NIS+ scripts described in Chapter 4, Configuring NIS+ With Scripts for more explanation of NIS+ structure and concepts. Then perform the following steps:

  1. Set up the root domain.

    If you are going to run the root domain in NIS-compatibility mode, use nisserver. (If you choose not to use the setup scripts, use the -Y flag of rpc.nisd and nissetup.)

  2. Populate the root domain tables.

    You can use nispopulate to transfer information from NIS maps or text files. Of course, you can also create entries one at a time with nistbladm or nisaddent.

  3. Set up clients of the root domain.

    Set up a few clients in the root domain so that you can properly test its operation. Use full DES authentication. Some of these client machines will later be converted to root replica servers and some will serve as machines for the administrators who support the root domain. NIS+ servers should never be an individual's machine.

  4. Create or convert site-specific NIS+ tables.

    If the new NIS+ root domain requires custom, site-specific NIS+ tables, create them, with nistbladm and transfer the NIS data into them with nisaddent.

  5. Add administrators to root domain groups.

    Remember, the administrators must have LOCAL and DES credentials (use nisaddcred). Their machines should be root domain clients and their root identities should also be NIS+ clients with DES credentials.

  6. Update the sendmailvars table, if necessary.

    If your email environment has changed as a result of the new domain structure, populate the root domain's sendmailvars table with the new entries.

  7. Set up root domain replicas.

    First convert the clients into servers (use rpc.nisd with -Y for NIS compatibility and also use -B if you want DNS forwarding), then associate the servers with the root domain by running nisserver -R.

    For NIS compatibility, run rpc.nisd with the -Y and edit the /etc/init.d/rpc file to remove the comment symbol (#) from the EMULYP line. For DNS forwarding, use the -B option with rpc.nisd.

  8. Test the root domain's operation.

    Develop a set of installation-specific test routines to verify a client's functioning after the switch to NIS+. This will speed the transition work and reduce complaints. You should operate this domain for about a week before you begin converting other users to NIS+.

  9. Set up the remainder of the namespace.

    Do not convert any more clients to NIS+, but go ahead and set up all the other domains beneath the root domain. This includes setting up their master and replica servers. Test each new domain as thoroughly as you tested the root domain until you are sure your configurations and scripts work properly.

  10. Test the operation of the namespace.

    Test all operational procedures for maintenance, backup, recovery, and other scenarios. Test the information-sharing process between all domains in the namespace. Do not proceed to Phase II until the entire NIS+ operational environment has been verified.

  11. Customize the security configuration of the NIS+ domains.

    This may not be necessary if everything is working well; but if you want to protect some information from unauthorized access, you can change the default permissions of NIS+ tables so that even NIS clients are unable to access them. You can also rearrange the membership of NIS+ groups and the permissions of NIS+ structural objects to align with administrative responsibilities.