System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

Secure RPC Password Versus Login Password Problem

When a principal's login password is different from his or her Secure RPC password, keylogin cannot decrypt it at login time because keylogin defaults to using the principal's login password, and the private key was encrypted using the principal's Secure RPC password.

When this occurs, the principal can log in to the system, but for NIS+ purposes the principal is placed in the authorization class of nobody because the keyserver does not have a decrypted private key for that user. Since most NIS+ environments are set up to deny the nobody class create, destroy, and modify rights to most NIS+ objects, this results in “permission denied” errors when the user tries to access NIS+ objects.

Note –

In this context, network password is sometimes used as a synonym for Secure RPC password. When prompted for your “network password,” enter your Secure RPC password.

To be placed in one of the other authorization classes, a user in this situation must explicitly run the keylogin program and give the principal's Secure RPC password when keylogin prompts for a password. (See Keylogin.)

But an explicit keylogin provides only a temporary solution that is good only for the current login session. The keyserver now has a decrypted private key for the user, but the private key in the user's cred table is still encrypted using the user's Secure RPC password, which is different than the user's login password. The next time the user logs in, the same problem recurs. To permanently solve the problem the user needs to re-encrypt the private key in the cred table to one based on the user's login ID rather than the user's Secure RPC password. To do this, the user needs to run chkey -p as described in Changing Keys for an NIS+ Principal.

Thus, to permanently solve problems related to a difference in Secure RPC password and login password, the user (or an administrator acting for the user) must perform these steps:

  1. Log in using the login password.

  2. Run the keylogin program to temporarily get a decrypted private key stored in the keyserver and thus gain temporary NIS+ access privileges.

  3. Run chkey -p to permanently change the encrypted private key in the cred table to one based on the user's login password.

  4. When you are ready to finish this login session, run keylogout.

  5. Log off the system with logout.