System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

nistbladm Syntax Summary

The general syntax of the nistbladm command is:

nistbladm options \
 [columspec | columnvalue] \
 [tablename | indexedname]


Table 19–1 nistbladm Options



-a | -A

Add an entry to an existing NIS+ table. The -a option returns an error if execution of the command would result in overwritting any existing entry. The -A option forces execution of the command even if it results in overwriting an existing entry. (See Adding Entries to a Table.)

-D defaults

Specify a different set of default properties when creating an object. (See the nistbladm man page for details.)


Destroy a table. (See Deleting a Table.)


Create a table. (See Creating a New Table.)

-r | -R

Remove one or more entries from an existing NIS+ table. The -r option returns an error if execution of the command would result in removal of more than one entry. The -R option forces execution of the command even if it results in removing multiple entries. (See Removing Table Entries.)


An obsoleted option for modifying table entries that is still supported for backwards compatibility. The -e and -E options are the preferred method for editing entries.

-e | -E

Edit an entry in an existing NIS+ table. The -e option returns an error if execution of the command would affect more than one entry. The -A option forces execution of the command even if it results in changing an existing entry in such a way as to overwrite a different entry. (See Modifying Table Entries.)