System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)


FNS assumes that there is an association of a user to an enterprise. This corresponds to the namespace that holds myorgunit.

The namespace identifier myens (and _myens) resolves in the initial context to the enterprise root of the enterprise to which the user making the request belongs. For example, if jsmith is making the request, and jsmith's NIS+ home domain is east.sales, which in turn is in the NIS+ hierarchy with the root domain name of The name myens/orgunit/ resolves to the top organizational unit of

Note –

Be careful about set-user-ID programs when using user-related composite names, such as myorgunit or myself/service, because these bindings depend on the effective user ID of a process. For programs that set-user-ID to root to access system resources on behalf of the caller, it is usually a good idea to call seteuid(getuid()) before calling fn_ctx_handle_from_initial().